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I am relatively new, so please be patient if this has already been asked and answered - I have started looking for this information and have not yet found it in this forum.

With that said -

When adding a new user I have several Employee Types - defined by a pattern. I also have an Employee ID - also defined by a pattern.

My question is, can I make Employee ID required based on the selection Employee Type?

I know I can perform the validation after the user fills out the form and before creating the user, but I am looking to dynamically modify the form and the patterns based on the values being entered into the form. Is that in any way achievable?

by (220 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Welcome to our support forum!

Currently, this is not available, but we have such a feature in our TODO list with a very high priority. It will be available in one of our future releases.


I have the same question 10 years later. :-)


Hello Anatolie,

As you can see, the feature is on our roadmap: https://www.adaxes.com/info_roadmap.htm. Unfortunately, there is currently no ETA for it.

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