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I just did an upgrade from 2013.1 --> 2014.1.
Within the Approval Request Process, how can I hide the OU path that's displayed in the email received by the manager?
Can it be hidden within the web interface console as well?


by (1.7k points)

Viewing Office 365 options within Adaxes--

I might be fetching with this...but I set this environment so it has a domain of dev.abc.com.
On the forms, I added the Office365 option to be displayed while viewing a user object. The user object that I'm viewing doesn't actually have a mailbox within O365, would that be the reason for the options to not show up?

If that is the case, this same user object does not have a exchange mailbox, yet at least the section is shown with the stmt "the user neither has an exchange mailbox nor an email address established in exchange. create mailbox | establish email address".

What's the reason these options show for Exchange and not Office 365?

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Within the Approval Request Process, how can I hide the OU path that's displayed in the email received by the manager?
Can it be hidden within the web interface console as well?

Currently, this can't be done.

Office 365 and Exchange Online

The thing is that when a user is located in a domain that has an on-premises Exchange Organization, and also falls within the scope of an Office 365 tenant, you can create a mailbox for the user either in the on-premises Exchange or in the cloud.

To create a mailbox or establish an e-mail address for a user in the on-premises Exchange Organization, you can use the Create Mailbox / Establish E-mail Address options displayed in the Exchange Properties section.

To create a mailbox for a user in the cloud, you need to create an Office 365 account for the user and and assign a license that grants access to Exchange Online. Once a user is assigned such a license, a mailbox will be automatically created for the user in the cloud, and the properties of that mailbox will be displayed in the Exchange Properties section.

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