We are using the Builtin scheduled task to let our domain users know when their password will expire in the next 2 weeks.
As in ...
If password will expire in less than 14 days AND
account is enabled then
Send e-mail notification (Password Expiration Notification)
It works great for the masses but we find multiple entries in the Event log referencing an error when the task runs.
As in...
Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.DirectoryComException (0x80004005): Failed to calculate the password expiration date for ''wjpatterson (csu.org\Person\USER)''. ---> Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.DirectoryComException (0x8007200A): You are not allowed to read 'objectClass' or 'objectGuid'' properties.
We understand that the service account running the task does not have permission to inspect these properties but do not understand why the task needs it.
Part of the puzzle seems to be related to the fact that for the majority of our user profiles, the expiration is computed and is displayed in the lower right of the Account tab of the user properties. For the users with this problem (like wjpatterson, above) the Password section has a N/A in it.