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When I import accounts from a CSV file, these accounts are imported to AD disabled.
How can I set the imported accounts to be enabled by default?

by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

To do so, you have three options:

1. Via Property Patterns specify the default value for the Account Options property.

2. Create a Business Rule that will be triggered after creation of new users, and enable their accounts.

3. Specify the Account Options property in your CSV file for each user (the LDAP name of the Account Options property is userAccountControl).

For example:
"CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com","John Doe","user","johndoe","johndoe@example.com","544",

You can use the Flag Set Editor to build values for the userAccountControl property.


For more details, please see Import User Accounts from a CSV File.


Thanks to everybody!

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