Ver 2014.1
I'm working with a large amount of users and would like to change these properties in bulk:
"User must change password at next login" "Password never expires"
I cannot find a way to do this in the web console. Is this possible?
Yes. For this purpose you can create Custom Commands that make the necessary modifications and execute the Custom Command for the users you need via the Web interface.
For information on how to create Custom Commands, see the following tutorial: ... ommand.htm. To modify the User must change password at next login and Password never expires flags with the help of a Custom Command, on step 4 of the tutorial you'll need to do the following:
We have several Office 365 groups where the someone is an Owner but not a Member, and we'd like to give them the ability through the web interface to give them the ability ... option in the web interface to allow them to add or remove users via a custom task?
I want to modify multiple user account descriptions. I can't seem to do this by default. I've read in the FAQ that I can right click objects and select properties, but ... etc..." but nothing that lets me modify account properties. What am I missing? Thanks.
When creating a new user through the webinterface, the password is generated based on the template configured in the 'user pattern'. The domain password policy can also ... the webinterface and preventing the 'password not required' AD attribute being set.)
Is there a way to create user accounts in bulk via the web interface? Account operators will only have access through the web interface, so this is important.
I am relatively new, so please be patient if this has already been asked and answered - I have started looking for this information and have not yet found it in this ... patterns based on the values being entered into the form. Is that in any way achievable?