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We would like to be able to have the web interface error when a new user is created with a password that does not meet our complexity rules. Right now, the user is created but the account disabled. When this happens, our automation is not able to create the Exchange Mailbox. We would like to have the interface stop the user before submission. Is there a way to do this?

by (90 points)

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by (216k points)
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Yes, there is. You can create a Business Rule executed before creating a user that will cancel the operation if a password does not meet the complexity requirements. To check for complexity requirements, you'll need to run a PowerShell script.

To create such a Business Rule:

  1. Create a new Business Rule.

  2. On the 2nd step of the Create Business Rule wizard, select User and Before Creating a User.

  3. On the 3rd step, add the Run a program or PowerShell script action and paste a script that will do the job.

    For example, here's a script that checks whether a new user's password meets the Password Complexity Requirements defined by Microsoft. Also, it checks whether the password length is at least 7 characters (defined by $minLength).

     $minLength = 7 # TODO: modify me
     $minRequirementsToPass = 3 # TODO: modify me
     $requirements = @{
         [regex]"[A-Z]" = 1, "The password does not contain an upper-case character.";
         [regex]"[a-z]" = 1, "The password does not contain a lower-case character.";
         [regex]"[0-9]" = 1, "The password does not contain a number.";
         [regex]"[^a-zA-Z0-9]" = 1, "The password does not contain a special character."}
     # TODO: modify me. Example: @{<requirement> = <minimum number of characters>, "Error message"}
     if ($Context.IsPasswordChanged())
         $password = $Context.GetNewPassword();
         # Check password length
         if($password.length -lt $minLength)
             $Context.Cancel("The password does not have at least $minLength characters.")
         # Passwords must not contain the user's entire samAccountName (Account Name) value.
         $username = "%username%".ToLower()
         if ($password.ToLower().Contains($username.SubString(0,3)))
             $Context.Cancel("The password should not contain the username or parts of it.")
         # Passwords must not contain the user's entire displayName (Full Name) value
         $displayName = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue("displayName")
         $delimiters = @(".", ",", "-", "_", " ", "#")
         $displayNameParts = $displayName.Split($delimiters)
         foreach ($string in $displayNameParts)
             if ($string.length -lt 3)
             if ($password.ToLower().Contains($string.ToLower()))
                 $Context.Cancel("The password should not contain the user's Display Name or parts of it.")
         # Check whether the password meets at least three complexity requirements
         $requirementsPassed = 0
         $errorMessages = @()
         foreach ($requirement in $requirements.Keys)
             $minNubmerCharacters = ($requirements[$requirement])[0]
             if ($requirement.Matches($password).Count -lt $minNubmerCharacters)
                 $errorMessages += ($requirements[$requirement])[1]
         # If the password does not meet at least three requirements, cancel operation.
         if ($requirementsPassed -lt $minRequirementsToPass)
             $requirementsLeft = $minRequirementsToPass - $requirementsPassed
             $requirementsCount = $requirements.Count
             $Context.Cancel("The password must meet at least $minRequirementsToPass out of $requirementsCount complexity requirements of which only $requirementsPassed has been met. Meet at least $requirementsLeft more of the requirements above.")
             foreach ($message in $errorMessages)
                 $Context.LogMessage($message, "Error")

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