0 votes

In a previous thread, the answer to can self service users reset there passwords by answering secret questions. The answer was in the next version of Adaxes. I checked the release notes for the latest release and there is not mention of this feature. The question was asked in April 2011 and the release date is July 2011. Was this feature included? If not, when is the next scheduled release planned. THX

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


The Self-Service Password Reset feature will be available in the next version of Adaxes that is scheduled for the end of September (the beginning of October).

Here are some screenshots for you to see how it will look like:


We've officially released a new version of Adaxes - Adaxes 2011.3.
This version includes the Self-Password Reset feature.
What's New: http://adaxes.com/info_whats-new.htm

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