0 votes

I'm trying to setup a quick automations to drop a notification into a Micrsoft Teams feed using their Webhook integration. I've managed to make Webhooks work before using Pushcut for iOS but this one doesn't work.

This script runs 'Succsessfully' and simply copying this script into PS and runnning it works fine, posting the message to the Micrsoft Teams chat, am I missing something to make this work via Adaxes?

$uri = "https://outlook.office.com/webhook/%%%%%%%"

$body = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @{
    title = '%param-notificationtype%: %fullname%'
    text = "Adaxes has completed %param-notificationtype% actions"
    sections = @(
            activityTitle = '%fullname%'
            activitySubtitle = '%department%'
            activityText = '%company%'
            activityImage = '%thumbnailPhoto%'
            title = 'Details'
            facts = @(
                name = 'Email'
                value = '[%mail%](mailto:%mail%)'
                name = 'Incident Number'
                value = '[%adm-CustomAttributeText18%](#URL)'
    potentialAction = @(@{
            '@context' = 'http://schema.org'
            '@type' = 'ViewAction'
            name = 'Click here to complete %param-notificationtype%'
            target = @('#URL')

Invoke-RestMethod -uri $uri -Method Post -body $body -ContentType 'application/json'

Any assistance with this would be gratefully received

by (260 points)

Hello Richard,

For troubleshooting purposes, could you, please, clarify what control (e.g. checkbox) is used to specify the param-notificationtype parameter value and what values can be specified there? If it is a drop-down, post here or send us (support[at]softerra.com) a screenshot of the parameter configuration. We need something like the following: image.png

Also, please, confirm that you check the notification in the same channel that is specified for the $uri variable.


The script now works for some reason.

The param-notificationtype is a dropdown list with a few text options


Hello Richard,

Thank you for the confirmation, it is much appreciated! Should the issue reoccur, provide us with all the possible details. Screenshots would be much appreciated.

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