Here is a PowerShell script that copies the Security Roles specified in $sourceRoleNames. The resulting Security Roles will have a name according to the pattern specified by $roleNamePattern. In the pattern, {0} stands for the source role name.
The script does not copy the assignments of the Security Roles, because obviously you'll have different assignments for different teams. For information on how to define the assignments of Security Roles, see section Assigning a Role in the following SDK article: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/?ManagingSecu ... curityRole.
$sourceRoleNames = @("Account Manager", "Blind User", "Computer Manager") # TODO: modify me
$roleNamePattern = "{0} ('%name%' department)" # TODO: modify me
function GetRolePath($name, $securityRolesPath)
# Search Security Roles
$searcher = $Context.BindToObject($securityRolesPath)
$filterPart = [Softerra.Adaxes.Ldap.FilterBuilder]::Create("name", $name)
$searcher.SearchFilter = "(&(objectCategory=adm-Role)$filterPart)"
$searcher.PageSize = 500
$searcher.SearchScope = "ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE"
$searcher.ReferralChasing = "ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_NEVER"
$searchResult = $searcher.ExecuteSearch()
$objects = $searchResult.FetchAll()
if ($objects.Count -eq 0)
$Context.LogMessage("Role '$name' could not be found", "Warning")
return $NULL
elseif($objects.Count -gt 1)
$Context.LogMessage("Found more than one Security Role with name '$name'", "Warning")
return $NULL
return $objects[0].AdsPath
$securityRolesPath = $Context.GetWellKnownContainerPath("AccessControlRoles")
$securityRolesContainer = $Context.BindToObject($securityRolesPath)
foreach ($name in $sourceRoleNames)
# Get source role path
$sourceRolePath = GetRolePath $name $securityRolesPath
if ($sourceRolePath -eq $NULL)
# Build name for a new role
$sourceRole = $Context.BindToObject($sourceRolePath)
$name = [System.String]::Format($roleNamePattern, $sourceRole.Get("name"))
$name = [Softerra.Adaxes.Ldap.Rdn]::EscapeAttributeValue($name)
# Create new role
$targetRole = $securityRolesContainer.Create("adm-Role", "CN=$name")
$targetRole.Disabled = $False
$Context.LogMessage("Cann't create role '$name'. Error:" + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")
# Copy permissions
$sourcePermissions = $sourceRole.Permissions
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $sourcePermissions.Count; $i++)
$sourceEntry = $sourcePermissions.GetObject($i)
$targetEntry = $targetRole.Permissions.Create()
$targetEntry.AccessType = $sourceEntry.AccessType
$targetEntry.AccessMask = $sourceEntry.AccessMask
$targetEntry.ObjectType = $sourceEntry.ObjectType
$targetEntry.InheritedObjectType = $sourceEntry.InheritedObjectType
$targetEntry.SetInfo() # save the permission entry
$targetRole.Permissions.Add($targetEntry) # add the permission to the target role