We have employees that work at more than one location, we would like them to be on the staff lists at those locations as well as their main location.
This is the solution I came up with, it might not be the best way to do this....
We have their main location setup as the Department field, but setup 4 additional fields using the CustomAttributeText fields
They are AlternateLocationA, AlternateLocationB, AlternateLocationC and, AlternateLocationD
We have a separate rule for each Alternate Location and if it changes, add the user the appropriate group based on what the content of that field is.
Unfortunately, it is only firing on the Alternate Location A changed and not even touching the others,
Here is a screenshot of the result. Jake was added to two locations, but only the first rules actions applied.
![2020-05-25 14_06_54-Jake Three.png](?qa=blob&qa_blobid=4749065517732745238)
Here are a snippet of the rules...
After Alternate Location A Changed...
![2020-05-25 14_12_32Alternate Location A.png](?qa=blob&qa_blobid=5604915357441831063)
After Alternate Location B Changed...
![2020-05-25 14_11_43-Alternative Location B.png](?qa=blob&qa_blobid=6267222211426846622)