I've given a group of users permissions to the logging reports. They can review the logs but when clicking on an item they get Access Denied.
What permissions do I need to give the group to be able to read the logs?
You need to grant users the permissions to view the General log. For details, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?ManageSecurityRoles.AllowViewingGeneralLog.html.
Are the logs still accessable using the "logging" link in the administrator console? What about the web console? What is the recommended setting for local log ... function within ADAXES to cleanup remote logs after they are past our retention requirements?
If a user is disabled, I would like the following process to be automated: Direct reports of this disabled user (user A) are reassigned to new active user (user B) who ... is sent to User B indicating User As direct reports have been transferred to User B
The Adaxes service account is a global admin, and we have already granted audit reporting to look for the lockout events, but I cannot pull the logs via the Adaxes service. I am ... enterprise app to pull this data? Or is there a better way to find this info.
Good Afternoon, I'm looking for some clarification on what security settings I would need to apply to the Self-Service Users to allow them to update both their own ... accounts they have full access to. Please let me know if this requires more clarification.
Hello Support, We have reports for users who should only have the rights to see the members of a group. However, they should not have the right to open the "profile" ... report and see the result of the report and cannot do anything else? Thank you very much