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Hi everyone!

I have a problem granting permission to edit group members using the web interface. Somewhere something is missing but I don't see it.

I have three relevant Security Roles:

Self Service adaxes_sr_ss.png Domain Users adaxes_sr_du.png Group Manager adaxes_sr_gm.png

When I log in as a regular domain user with manager role for a group, it is displayed in "My managed objects", but there is no ADD button and I am unable to remove selected users from the group.

So my questions are:

  • Are the Security Role settings correct or is something missing?
  • Once the SRs are correct, what needs to be set in the web interface config for the necessary options to become available?

Thanks for reading!

by (120 points)

Hello Eirik,

there is no ADD button and I am unable to remove selected users from the group

Where exactly is the button not displayed? Could you, please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) a screenshot?

Are the Security Role settings correct or is something missing?

The Security Roles look correct to grant group owners the permissions to modify all properties of the groups they manage.

Once the SRs are correct, what needs to be set in the web interface config for the necessary options to become available?

Could you, please, provide us with all the possible details about the options not being available? Please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) screenshots of the pages where you expect the options to be displayed.


Sure, here you go:

This is the ADD button that's missing: adaxes_add.png

And here are the settings for the web interface: adaxes_ui_settings.png

If you need any specific setting not seen here just let me know.


P.S.: I suppose the relevant settings here are under the Management heading and just noticed they were set to User. I will add the Group settings in a minute.

P.P.S.: Here they are: adaxes_gm01.png adaxes_gm02.png adaxes_gm03.png adaxes_gm04.png


Hello Eirik,

Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure we understand what you mean. According to the screenshot, the ADD button is displayed. Could you, please, provide screenshots for the steps you take to get to the page where the button is not displayed?


The screenshot is from an administrative user (full Adaxes admin) using the admin web interface , not from the standard user I'm trying to get this to work with. Just for comparison. In both cases I use the user menu to go to My managed objects, then click one group. The admin can edit, the standard user can't.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (299k points)
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Best answer

Hello Eirik,

Thank you for clarifying. It looks like the button is disabled in the Web Interface configuration. To enable it:

  1. Open Adaxes Web Interface Configurator.
  2. In the top left corner, select the Self-Service Web Interface.
  3. In the left pane, click Management. image.png
  4. In the Forms and Views section, select the Group object type.
  5. Activate the View tab below.
  6. In Sections, select Members.
  7. In Section Configuration on the right, scroll down to Adding/Removing Members.
  8. Select the Allow adding members checkbox. image.png
  9. Same the changes.
  10. Important: Before checking the changes, refresh the Web Interface page using Ctrl+F5.

Damn, and I thought I had looked everywhere! Thanks a lot. Finding it in View and not in Modify is a bit confusing, though.

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