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Script repository

Import new and updated users from CSV file

February 21, 2024 Views: 13201

The scripts are used to update existing and create new user accounts based on the data in the CSV file. To execute the scripts, create a scheduled task configured for the Domain object type and add a managed domain to the Activity Scope of the task.

CSV File Sample:

Robertson,William,wrobertson,Sales Manager at New York Office,New York,secret,Stephen Jones
John,Susan,sjohn,Senior Controller at LA Central,LA Central,,James Borwn

Script 1: Create new and update existing users

The script imports user accounts from a CSV file. Existing accounts are updated based on the data in the CSV file and non-existing ones are created in Active Directory. Existing users are identified by the property specified in the $userIdProperty variable.


  • $csvFilePath - Specifies a path to the CSV file that will be imported.
  • $userIdColumn - Specifies the name of the column that contains the property for identifying existing users.
  • $userIdProperty - Specifies the LDAP name of the property for identifying existing users (e.g. sAMAccountName, employeeID).
  • $accountPasswordColumn - Specifies the name of the column that contains account passwords.
  • $customColumnNames - Maps column headers with LDAP names of the corresponding user account properties. If mapping is not specified for a column header, the header specified in the file will be used as the property LDAP name.
  • $aDObjectProperties - Specifies the list of headers of the columns that contain references to other AD objects, such as, Manager, Secretary or Assistant. Objects can be referenced in the columns by their:
    • Distinguished Name
    • Full name (cn attribute)
    • Display name
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Import-Module Adaxes

$csvFilePath = "\\SERVER\share\ImportUsers.csv" # TODO: modify me
$userIdColumn = "EmployeeName" # TODO: modify me
$userIdProperty = "sAMAccountName" # TODO: modify me
$accountPasswordColumn = "AccountPassword" # TODO: modify me
$customColumnNames = @{
    "JobTitle" = "title";
    "FirstName" = "givenName";
} # TODO: modify me
$aDObjectProperties = @("Manager", "Secretary") # TODO: modify me

$domainName = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%")
$importedUsers  = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath

foreach ($userFromCSV in $importedUsers)
    $userObject = @{}
    $accountPassword = $NULL
    $propertiesToClear = @()
    foreach ($property in $userFromCSV.PSObject.Properties)
        $columnName = $property.Name
        $value = $property.Value
        if ($columnName -ieq $accountPasswordColumn -and !([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)))
            $accountPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $value -Force
        elseif ($columnName -ieq $accountPasswordColumn -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))
        if ($customColumnNames.ContainsKey($columnName))
            $propertyName = $customColumnNames[$columnName]
            $propertyName = $columnName
        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))
            $propertiesToClear += $propertyName

        # Parse special columns
        if ($columnName -ieq $userIdColumn)
            $propertyName = $userIdProperty
        elseif ($aDObjectProperties -icontains $columnName)
            $aDObject = Get-AdmObject -Filter {(Name -eq $value) -or (DisplayName -eq $value) -or (distinguishedName -eq $value)} `
                -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName
            if ($aDObject -is [System.Array])
                $Context.LogMessage("Found more than one object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")

            if ($aDObject -eq $NULL)
                $Context.LogMessage("Could not locate object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")
            $value = $aDObject.DistinguishedName

        if ($value -ieq "True" -or $value -ieq "False")
            $value = [System.Boolean]::Parse($value)

        $userObject.Add($propertyName, $value)
    # Check whether the user exists
    $valueForSearch = $userObject.$userIdProperty
    $userExists = Get-AdmUser -LdapFilter "($userIdProperty=$valueForSearch)" `
        -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName
    if ($userExists -eq $NULL)
        # Build user name
        $displayName = $userObject.GivenName + " " + $userObject.SN
        $parameters = @{
            "Path" = "%distinguishedName%"
            "Name" = $displayName;
            "Server" = $domainName;
            "AdaxesService" = "localhost"
            "Enabled" = $True
            "OtherAttributes" = $userObject
            "ErrorAction" = "Stop"
        if (!([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($accountPassword)))
            $parameters.Add("AccountPassword", $accountPassword)
        # Create a new user account
            New-AdmUser @parameters
            $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when creating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")

    if ($userExists -is [System.Array])
        $Context.LogMessage("Found more than one user with value '$valueForSearch' in property '$userIdProperty'", "Warning")

    # If user exists, update account
    $displayName = $userExists.Name
        Set-AdmUser -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -Replace $userObject `
            -AdaxesService localhost -Server $domainName -ErrorAction Stop
        $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")
    if ($propertiesToClear.Length -ne 0)
            Set-AdmUser -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -Clear $propertiesToClear `
                -AdaxesService localhost -Server $domainName -ErrorAction Stop
            $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")
    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($accountPassword))
        Set-AdmAccountPassword -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -NewPassword $accountPassword `
            -Reset -Server $domainName -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction Stop
        $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating the password for user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")

Script 2: Only update existing users

The script imports user accounts from a CSV file. Existing accounts are updated based on the data in the CSV file and are identified by the property specified in the $userIdProperty variable. The script also sends an email notification containing users that were not found or if there were more than one user found with a specific identity.


  • $csvFilePath - Specifies a path to the CSV file that will be imported.
  • $userIdColumn - Specifies the name of the column that contains the property for identifying existing users.
  • $userIdProperty - Specifies the LDAP name of the property for identifying existing users (e.g. sAMAccountName, employeeID).
  • $accountPasswordColumn - Specifies the name of the column that contains account passwords.
  • $customColumnNames - Maps column headers with LDAP names of the corresponding user account properties. If mapping is not specified for a column header, the header specified in the file will be used as the property LDAP name.
  • $ignoreUnspecifiedColumns - If set to True, only the columns specified in the $customColumnNames variable will be imported. If set to False, columns from the mapping will be imported accordingly, while for the rest the column headers will be considered property schema names.
  • $aDObjectProperties - Specifies the list of headers of the columns that contain references to other AD objects, such as, Manager, Secretary or Assistant. Objects can be referenced in the columns by their:
    • Distinguished Name
    • Full name (cn attribute)
    • Display name
  • $skipEmptyColumnNames - Specifies CSV file column headers. The corresponding AD properties will not be cleared by the script if the columns are empty.
  • $to - Specifies the email notification recipient.
  • $subject - Specifies the email notification subject.
  • $reportHeader - Specifies the report header.
  • $reportFooter - Specifies the report header.
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Import-Module Adaxes

$csvFilePath = "\\SERVER\share\ImportUsers.csv" # TODO: modify me
$userIdColumn = "EmployeeName" # TODO: modify me
$userIdProperty = "employeeId" # TODO: modify me
$accountPasswordColumn = "AccountPassword" # TODO: modify me
$customColumnNames = @{
    "JobTitle" = "title";
    "FirstName" = "givenName";
} # TODO: modify me
$ignoreUnspecifiedColumns = $False # TODO: modify me
$aDObjectProperties = @("Manager", "Secretary") # TODO: modify me
$skipEmptyColumnNames = @("MyColumn") # TODO: modify me

# E-mail settings
$to = "recipient@domain.com" # TODO: modify me
$subject = "Import report" # TODO: modify me
$reportHeader = "<h2>Import report</h2>"
$reportFooter = "<hr /><p><i>Please do not reply to this e-mail, it has been sent to you for notification purposes only.</i></p>" # TODO: modify me

$domainName = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%")
$importedUsers  = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath

$moreThanOneUserFound = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"
$userNotFound = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"
foreach ($userFromCSV in $importedUsers)
    $userObject = @{}
    $accountPassword = $NULL
    $propertiesToClear = @()
    foreach ($property in $userFromCSV.PSObject.Properties)
        $columnName = $property.Name
        $value = $property.Value
        if ($columnName -ieq $accountPasswordColumn -and !([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)))
            $accountPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $value -Force
        elseif ($columnName -ieq $accountPasswordColumn -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))
        if ($customColumnNames.ContainsKey($columnName))
            $propertyName = $customColumnNames[$columnName]
        elseif ($columnName -ieq $userIdColumn)
            $propertyName = $userIdProperty
        elseif ($ignoreUnspecifiedColumns)
            $propertyName = $columnName
        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))
            if ($skipEmptyColumnNames -contains $columnName)
            $propertiesToClear += $propertyName

        # Parse special columns
        if ($aDObjectProperties -icontains $columnName)
            $aDObject = Get-AdmObject -Filter {(Name -eq $value) -or (DisplayName -eq $value) -or (distinguishedName -eq $value)} `
                -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName
            if ($aDObject -is [System.Array])
                $Context.LogMessage("Found more than one object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")

            if ($aDObject -eq $NULL)
                $Context.LogMessage("Could not locate object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")
            $value = $aDObject.DistinguishedName

        if ($value -ieq "True" -or $value -ieq "False")
            $value = [System.Boolean]::Parse($value)

        $userObject.Add($propertyName, $value)
    # Check whether the user exists
    $valueForSearch = $userObject.$userIdProperty
    $userExists = Get-AdmUser -LdapFilter "($userIdProperty=$valueForSearch)" `
        -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName
    if ($NULL -eq $userExists)

    if ($userExists -is [System.Array])

    # If user exists, update account
    $displayName = $userExists.Name
        Set-AdmUser -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -Replace $userObject `
            -AdaxesService localhost -Server $domainName -ErrorAction Stop
        $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")
    if ($propertiesToClear.Length -ne 0)
            Set-AdmUser -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -Clear $propertiesToClear `
                -AdaxesService localhost -Server $domainName -ErrorAction Stop
            $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")
    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($accountPassword))
        Set-AdmAccountPassword -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -NewPassword $accountPassword `
            -Reset -Server $domainName -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction Stop
        $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating the password for user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")

if ($moreThanOneUserFound.Length -eq 0 -and $userNotFound.Length -eq 0)

# Build report
$html = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"
if ($userNotFound.Length -ne 0)
    $html.Append("<b>The following users were not found in Active Directory:</b>")

if ($moreThanOneUserFound.Length -ne 0)
    $html.Append("<b>Found more than one user with the following value of the $userIdProperty property:</b>")

# Send report
$Context.SendMail($to, $subject, $NULL, $html.ToString())

Script 3: Only create new users

The script imports new user accounts from a CSV file. Each user will get a randomly generated password. The script also sends an email notification containing users with a specific identity that already exist.


  • $csvFilePath - Specifies a path to the CSV file that will be imported.
  • $userIdColumn - Specifies the name of the column that contains the property for identifying existing users.
  • $userIdProperty - Specifies the LDAP name of the property for identifying existing users (e.g. sAMAccountName, employeeID).
  • $accountPasswordColumn - Specifies the name of the column that contains account passwords.
  • $customColumnNames - Maps column headers with LDAP names of the corresponding user account properties. If mapping is not specified for a column header, the header specified in the file will be used as the property LDAP name;
  • $aDObjectProperties - Specifies the list of headers of the columns that contain references to other AD objects, such as, Manager, Secretary or Assistant. Objects can be referenced in the columns by their:
    • Distinguished Name
    • Full name (cn attribute)
    • Display name
  • $ouDN - Specifies the distinguished name (DN) of the OU where new users will be created. For information on how to get the DN of a directory object, see Get the DN of an Active Directory object.
  • $to - Specifies the email notification recipient.
  • $subject - Specifies the email notification subject.
  • $reportHeader - Specifies the report header.
  • $reportFooter - Specifies the report header.
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Import-Module Adaxes

$csvFilePath = "\\SERVER\share\ImportUsers.csv" # TODO: modify me
$userIdColumn = "EmployeeName" # TODO: modify me
$userIdProperty = "sAMAccountName" # TODO: modify me
$accountPasswordColumn = "AccountPassword" # TODO: modify me
$customColumnNames = @{
    "JobTitle" = "title";
    "FirstName" = "givenName";
} # TODO: modify me
$aDObjectProperties = @("Manager", "Secretary") # TODO: modify me
$ouDN = "CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com" # TODO: modify me

# E-mail settings
$to = "recipient@domain.com" # TODO: modify me
$subject = "Import report" # TODO: modify me
$reportHeader = "<h2>Import report</h2>"
$reportFooter = "<hr /><p><i>Please do not reply to this e-mail, it has been sent to you for notification purposes only.</i></p>" # TODO: modify me

$domainName = $Context.GetObjectDomain($ouDN)
$importedUsers  = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath

$rootDSE = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://RootDSE")
$userFound = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"
foreach ($userFromCSV in $importedUsers)
    $userObject = @{}
    $accountPassword = $NULL
    foreach ($property in $userFromCSV.PSObject.Properties)
        $columnName = $property.Name
        $value = $property.Value
        if ($columnName -ieq $accountPasswordColumn -and !([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)))
            $accountPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $value -Force
        elseif ($columnName -ieq $accountPasswordColumn -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))
        if ($customColumnNames.ContainsKey($columnName))
            $propertyName = $customColumnNames[$columnName]
            $propertyName = $columnName
        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))

        # Parse special columns
        if ($columnName -ieq $userIdColumn)
            $propertyName = $userIdProperty
        elseif ($aDObjectProperties -icontains $columnName)
            $aDObject = Get-AdmObject -Filter {(Name -eq $value) -or (DisplayName -eq $value) -or (distinguishedName -eq $value)} `
                -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName
            if ($aDObject -is [System.Array])
                $Context.LogMessage("Found more than one object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")

            if ($aDObject -eq $NULL)
                $Context.LogMessage("Could not locate object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")
            $value = $aDObject.DistinguishedName

        if ($value -ieq "True" -or $value -ieq "False")
            $value = [System.Boolean]::Parse($value)

        $userObject.Add($propertyName, $value)
    # Check whether the user exists
    $valueForSearch = $userObject.$userIdProperty
    $userExists = Get-AdmUser -LdapFilter "($userIdProperty=$valueForSearch)" `
        -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName
    if ($NULL -eq $userExists)
        # Build user name
        $displayName = $userObject.GivenName + " " + $userObject.SN
        $parameters = @{
            "Path" = $ouDN
            "Name" = $displayName;
            "Server" = $domainName;
            "AdaxesService" = "localhost"
            "Enabled" = $True
            "OtherAttributes" = $userObject
            "ErrorAction" = "Stop"
        if (!([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($accountPassword)))
            $parameters.Add("AccountPassword", $accountPassword)

        # Create a new user account
            New-AdmUser @parameters
            $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when creating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")

if ($userFound.Length -eq 0)

# Build report
$html = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"
$html.Append("<b>The following users were found in Active Directory:</b>")

$Context.SendMail($to, $subject, $NULL, $html.ToString())
Comments 40
Christian Ehrenberg Jan 20, 2020
Can you please help me with the script.
I built the task as described in (https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_ScheduleImportOfUsersFromCSV.htm).
And as an action the script is deposited.
Unfortunately no user will import
CSV file as described (with my data).
Robertson,William,wrobertson,Sales Manager at New York Office,New York,secret,Stephen Jones
Support Jan 20, 2020

Hello Christian,

Could you, please, provide a screenshot of the Scheduled Task you created including the Activity Scope? You can send it to support@adaxes.com.

Does the Scheduled Task produce any error messages when executing the script? If so, please, provide us with screenshots. You can check it by viewing the Activity History of the task:https://www.adaxes.com/help/?ManageScheduledTasks.ViewActivityHistory.html.

If you made any modifications to the script, please, provide us with the updated script in TXT format.

Dario Inversi Sep 29, 2020
Hi, I'm trying to get the script work in our environment but I get and error on line 88: "The search filter cannot be recognized. (Server: *****) Stack trace: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 88".
Could you please support me on this error.

Thank you.

Support Sep 29, 2020
Hello Dario.

Could you, please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) the script you are using in TXT format including all your modifications?

Also, provide us with a screenshot of the Scheduled Task that executes the script. Please, make sure that the screenshot includes the Activity Scope section.
Leo Gomez Nov 19, 2020
I have the same problem - what was the solution?
Support Nov 19, 2020
Hello Leo,

Unfortunately, we did not receive any information from Dario. For troubleshooting purposes, please, provide the same data as was requested above.
Leo Gomez Nov 19, 2020
<p>Import-Module Adaxes<br /><br />$csvFilePath = "\\Server\file\OriginalImport.csv" # TODO: modify me<br /><br />$Domain="@***.***"<br />$EmpID="Employee_ID"<br />$FirstName="First_Name"<br />$LastName="Last_Name.ToLower()"<br />$userIdColumn=$($FirstName + " " + $LastName)<br />$sAMAccountName= ($LastName + $EmpID)<br />$MgrID="Supervisor"<br />$Manager=Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(EmployeeID=$MgrID)" -Properties distinguishedName<br />$userPrincipalName=$sAMAccountName+$Domain<br /><br />$customColumnNames = @{<br />"Company"= "company"<br />"Employee_ID" = "employeeID";<br />"Location" = "Office";<br />"First_Name" = "GivenName";<br />"Middle_Name" = "MI";<br />"Last_Name" = "Surname"<br />"Job_Title" = "title";<br />"Role" = "Department";<br />"userPrincipalName" = "userPrincipalName"<br /><br />} # TODO: modify me<br />$aDObjectProperties = @("Manager = $Manager") # TODO: modify me<br />$ouDN = "OU=Test Adaxes,DC=***,DC=***" # TODO: modify me<br /><br /># E-mail settings<br />$to = "EMAIL Address" # TODO: modify me<br />$subject = "Import report" # TODO: modify me<br />$reportHeader = "&lt;h2&gt;Import report&lt;/h2&gt;"<br />$reportFooter = "&lt;hr /&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;Please do not reply to this e-mail, it has been sent to you for notification purposes only.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/p&gt;" # TODO: modify me<br /><br />$domainName = $Context.GetObjectDomain($ouDN)<br />$importedUsers = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath<br /><br />$rootDSE = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://RootDSE")<br />$userFound = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"<br />foreach ($userFromCSV in $importedUsers)<br />{<br />$userObject = @{}<br />$accountPassword = $NULL<br />$propertiesToClear = @()<br />foreach ($property in $userFromCSV.PSObject.Properties)<br />{<br />$columnName = $property.Name<br />$value = $property.Value<br /><br />if ($customColumnNames.ContainsKey($columnName))<br />{<br />$propertyName = $customColumnNames[$columnName]<br />}<br />else<br />{<br />$propertyName = $columnName<br />}<br /><br />if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))<br />{<br />$propertiesToClear += $propertyName<br />continue<br />}<br /><br /># Parse special columns<br />if ($columnName -ieq $userIdColumn)<br />{<br />$propertyName = $sAMAccountName<br />}<br />elseif ($aDObjectProperties -icontains $columnName)<br />{<br />$aDObject = Get-AdmObject -Filter {(Name -eq $value) -or (DisplayName -eq $value) -or (distinguishedName -eq $value)} `<br />-AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName<br /><br />if ($aDObject -is [System.Array])<br />{<br />$Context.LogMessage("Found more than one object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")<br />continue<br />}<br /><br />if ($aDObject -eq $NULL)<br />{<br />$Context.LogMessage("Could not locate object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")<br />continue<br />}<br /><br />$value = $aDObject.DistinguishedName<br />}<br /><br />if ($value -ieq "True" -or $value -ieq "False")<br />{<br />$value = [System.Boolean]::Parse($value)<br />}<br /><br />$userObject.Add($propertyName, $value)<br />}<br /><br /># Check whether the user exists<br />$valueForSearch = $userObject.$sAMAccountName<br />$userExists = Get-AdmUser -LdapFilter "($sAMAccountName=$valueForSearch)" `<br />-AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName<br /><br />if ($NULL -eq $userExists)<br />{<br /># Build user name<br />$displayName = $userObject.GivenName + " " + $userObject.SN<br />$parameters = @{<br />"Path" = $ouDN<br />"Name" = $displayName;<br />"Server" = $domainName;<br />"AdaxesService" = "localhost"<br />"Enabled" = $True<br />"OtherAttributes" = $userObject<br />"ErrorAction" = "Stop"<br />}<br /><br /># Generate password<br />$userAdsPathObj = New-Object Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.AdsPath "Adaxes://$ouDN"<br />$rdnValue = [Softerra.Adaxes.Ldap.Rdn]::EscapeAttributeValue($displayName)<br />$userAdsPathObj.CreateChildPath("CN=$rdnValue")<br />$passwordString = $rootDSE.GeneratePasswordForNewUser($userAdsPathObj)<br />$passwordSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $passwordString -Force<br />$parameters.Add("AccountPassword", $passwordSecureString)<br /><br /># Create a new user account<br />try<br />{<br />New-AdmUser @parameters<br />}<br />catch<br />{<br />$Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when creating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")<br />}<br />}<br />else<br />{<br />$userFound.Append("&lt;li&gt;$valueForSearch&lt;/li&gt;")<br />}<br />}<br /><br />if ($userFound.Length -eq 0)<br />{<br />return<br />}<br /><br /># Build report<br />$html = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"<br />$html.Append($reportHeader)<br />$html.Append("&lt;b&gt;The following users were found in Active Directory:&lt;/b&gt;")<br />$html.Append("&lt;ol&gt;")<br />$html.Append($userFound.ToString())<br />$html.Append("&lt;/ol&gt;")<br />$html.Append($reportFooter)<br /><br />$Context.SendMail($to, $subject, $NULL, $html.ToString())</p>
Leo Gomez Nov 19, 2020
The search filter cannot be recognized. (Server: ***.***) Stack trace: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 101
Support Nov 20, 2020
Hello Leo,

Thank you for the provided details. The issue occurs because of the modifications you made in the script. For us to correct it, please, specify what exactly all your modifications are intended for and what the desired behavior is. Live examples will be very helpful.
Leo Gomez Nov 20, 2020
I'm attempting to import a CSV using the script above to create new users.

CSV Contains:
Company, Employee_ID, Location, First_Name, Middle_Name, Last_Name, Job_title, Role,Supervisor
2000, 12345, 20394, Lexie, M, Smith, Care Associate, RG-20000-Campus-Matrix, 137250

Based on the csv:
The sAMAAccountName should be the last name and employee ID
$sAMAccountName= ($LastName + $EmpID)

Manager: Lookup based on the Supervisor field which is the Employee ID for the Manager
$Manager=Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(EmployeeID=$MgrID)" -Properties distinguishedName

Users Full Name should be the concatenated first and last name:
$userIdColumn=$($FirstName + " " + $LastName)

All of the other fields are to go in as they are:
"Company"= "company"
"Employee_ID" = "employeeID";
"Location" = "Office";
"First_Name" = "GivenName";
"Middle_Name" = "MI";
"Last_Name" = "Surname"
"Job_Title" = "title";
"Role" = "Department";

Email Settings:
$to = Should Lookup the Managers email address for each imported user based on the result of the manager lookup.
Support Nov 20, 2020
Hello Leo,

Thank you for specifying. For us to update the script according to your needs, please, specify what should be done if a manager with the specified employee ID is not found. Should the user be created with an empty Manager property? Should notifications about existing users be sent to a different email? Any additional details and live examples of the desired behavior will be much appreciated.
Leo Gomez Nov 20, 2020
If manager does not exist - email should go to ServcieDesk@domain.com "user created no manager"
Support Nov 20, 2020
Hello Leo,

What if not only the manager does not exist, but also the sAMAccountName is already taken? Should a corresponding email be sent to ServcieDesk@domain.com?
Leo Gomez Nov 20, 2020
Yes, If the user "sAMAccountName" already exists it should error out and send email to "ServiceDesk@domain.com.
Support Nov 23, 2020
Hello Leo,

Thank you for the confirmation. Please, find the updated script below.

Edit Remove
Import-Module Adaxes

$csvFilePath = "\\SERVER\share\ImportUsers.csv" # TODO: modify me
$customColumnNames = @{
    "JobTitle" = "title";
    "FirstName" = "givenName";
} # TODO: modify me
$aDObjectProperties = @("Manager", "Secretary") # TODO: modify me
$ouDN = "CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com" # TODO: modify me

# E-mail settings
$to = "recipient@domain.com" # TODO: modify me
$subject = "Import report" # TODO: modify me
$reportHeader = "<h2>Import report</h2>"
$reportFooter = "<hr /><p><i>Please do not reply to this e-mail, it has been sent to you for notification purposes only.</i></p>" # TODO: modify me

$domainName = $Context.GetObjectDomain($ouDN)
$importedUsers  = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath

$rootDSE = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://RootDSE")
$managerEmailsToUsersFound = @{}
foreach ($userFromCSV in $importedUsers)
    $userObject = @{}
    $accountPassword = $NULL
    $propertiesToClear = @()
    $managerMail = $NULL
    foreach ($property in $userFromCSV.PSObject.Properties)
        $columnName = $property.Name
        $value = $property.Value
        if ($customColumnNames.ContainsKey($columnName))
            $propertyName = $customColumnNames[$columnName]
            $propertyName = $columnName
        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))
            $propertiesToClear += $propertyName

        # Parse special columns
        if ($aDObjectProperties -icontains $columnName)
            if ($propertyName -eq "manager")
                $aDObject = Get-AdmObject -Filter {EmployeeID -eq $value} `
                    -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName -Properties mail
                $aDObject = Get-AdmObject -Filter {(Name -eq $value) -or (DisplayName -eq $value) -or (distinguishedName -eq $value)} `
                    -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName
            if ($NULL -eq $aDObject)
                $Context.LogMessage("Could not locate object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")
            if ($aDObject -is [System.Array])
                $Context.LogMessage("Found more than one object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")
            $value = $aDObject.DistinguishedName
            if ($propertyName -eq "manager")
                $managerMail = $aDObject.Mail

        if ($value -ieq "True" -or $value -ieq "False")
            $value = [System.Boolean]::Parse($value)

        $userObject.Add($propertyName, $value)
    if ($NULL -eq $managerMail)
        $managerMail = $to
    if (!$managerEmailsToUsersFound.ContainsKey($managerMail))
        $managerEmailsToUsersFound.Add($managerMail, (New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"))
    # Build sAMAccountName
    $sAMAccountName = $userObject.sn + $userObject.employeeID
    # Check whether the user exists
    $userExists = Get-AdmUser -LdapFilter "(sAMAccountName=$sAMAccountName)" `
        -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName
    if ($NULL -eq $userExists)
        # Build user name
        $displayName = $userObject.GivenName + " " + $userObject.SN
        $parameters = @{
            "Path" = $ouDN
            "Name" = $displayName;
            "SamAccountName" = $sAMAccountName
            "Server" = $domainName;
            "AdaxesService" = "localhost"
            "Enabled" = $True
            "OtherAttributes" = $userObject
            "ErrorAction" = "Stop"
        # Generate password
        $userAdsPathObj = New-Object Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.AdsPath "Adaxes://$ouDN"
        $rdnValue = [Softerra.Adaxes.Ldap.Rdn]::EscapeAttributeValue($displayName)
        $passwordString = $rootDSE.GeneratePasswordForNewUser($userAdsPathObj)
        $passwordSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $passwordString -Force
        $parameters.Add("AccountPassword", $passwordSecureString)

        # Create a new user account
            New-AdmUser @parameters 
            $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when creating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")

foreach ($mail in $managerEmailsToUsersFound.Keys)
    if ($managerEmailsToUsersFound[$mail].Length -eq 0)
    # Build report
    $html = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"
    $html.Append("<b>The following users were found in Active Directory:</b>")
    $Context.SendMail($mail, $subject, $NULL, $html.ToString())

Leo Gomez Nov 25, 2020
Thanks for the updated script!

I modified what you sent as follows:
Changed the Path to the CSV, Changed the $to and added the following:

$customColumnNames = @{
"Company"= "company"
"Employee_ID" = "employeeID";
"Location" = "Office";
"First_Name" = "GivenName";
"Middle_Name" = "middleName";
"Last_Name" = "sn"
"Job_Title" = "title";
"Role" = "Department";
"Supervisor" = "$mgrid";

$aDObjectProperties = @("Manager = Supervisor", "Secretary")
$ouDN = info was changed.

CSV Content
20000,128,20127,Lexie,r,Test,Test Associate,rg-20000-Campus-CaretrckrMatrix,135743
20000,133,20423,Madeline,C,Test,Resident Test Associate,rg-20000-Campus-RCACaretrackerAL,135743
20000,136,20415,Irene,M,Test,Test Services Asst,rg-20000-Campus-SmartlinxOnly,135743

When the script is run the log says completed. The users are NOT created and the execution log says:
"An error occurred when creating user 'Irene Test'. Error: Parameter must be a non empty string. Parameter name: name"
Support Nov 26, 2020
Hello Leo,

We opened a support ticket to help you with the script. An email was sent to the address of your account.
Jay Oct 14, 2020
Will this script only update the fields that are needed? Ideally we want to move to importing the Master Employee Record in to Adaxes and simply update only the attributes that changed. We have over 15k employees and in the past the scripts have run too long and not finished.
Support Oct 15, 2020

Hello Jay,

The current version of the script not only updates the users, but also creates new ones. Also, it attempts to update all the properties present in the CSV file. However, the script can be updated to work exactly as you need. Still on 15k users it can take quite long.
Jay Oct 19, 2020
Is this the best solution to keep the users updated? If not, what do you suggest?
Support Oct 20, 2020
Hello Jay,

It totally depends on your requirements. If you have a CSV file with user data that is frequently updated, using such a script should work just fine to keep your user data up to date in Active Directory.
Jay Oct 20, 2020
So this script as is just needs the headings of the columns to be the same as the attribute name or map them in the script. Correct? Also we will need a check added to only update the accounts where information changed.
Support Oct 21, 2020
Hello Jay,

>So this script as is just needs the headings of the columns to be the same as the attribute name or map them in the script. Correct?

Yes, that is correct.

>Also we will need a check added to only update the accounts where information changed.

There is no need to add the check. Adaxes does not update properties to the same values. If all the properties are the same (nothing has changed), no updates will be performed.
Leo Gomez Jun 01, 2021
Hello, I'm working with Script 2: Only update existing users. Here are the changes i have made:

$csvFilePath = "\\ServerName\Scripts\Output\testVcpiExport.csv" # TODO: modify me
$userIdColumn = "Name" # TODO: modify me
$userIdProperty = "employeeID" # TODO: modify me
$accountPasswordColumn = "AccountPassword" # TODO: modify me
$customColumnNames = @{
"JobTitle" = "title";
"FirstName" = "givenName";
"SamAccountName" = "SamAccountName";
"Departmentnumber" = "Departmentnumber";
"enabled" = "enabled";
"department" = "department";
"description" = "description";
"office" = "office";
"emailaddress" = "emailaddress";
"extensionAttribute2" = "extensionAttribute2";

CSV with one record:
"Test, user",tuser1,322507,FALSE,96587,North Michigan,"#322507, Office, test job,Cook,322507,,Jobtestcode,5/31/2021 20:31

I receive the following error:
Exception calling "Add" with "2" argument(s): "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'employeeId' Key being added: 'employeeid'" Stack trace: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 97
Leo Jun 01, 2021
Hello, I am working with Script 2: Only update existing users

Here are the changes i have made:
$csvFilePath = "\\server\Scripts\Output\testImport.csv" # TODO: modify me
$userIdColumn = "Name" # TODO: modify me
$userIdProperty = "employeeID" # TODO: modify me
$accountPasswordColumn = "AccountPassword" # TODO: modify me
$customColumnNames = @{
"title" = "title";
"SamAccountName" = "SamAccountName";
"Departmentnumber" = "Departmentnumber";
"enabled" = "enabled";
"department" = "department";
"description" = "description";
"office" = "office";
"emailaddress" = "emailaddress";
"extensionAttribute2" = "extensionAttribute2";

Import file content:
"user, test",test1,322507,FALSE,99613, Michigan,TestAccountuser,Cook,322507,,TestRoleOnly,5/31/2021 20:31

Exception calling "Add" with "2" argument(s): "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'employeeid' Key being added: 'employeeID'" Stack trace: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 97
Leo Jun 01, 2021
Hello, working with Script 2 - I was able to get the script to run without errors. But, none of my changes are getting there:

$csvFilePath = "\\server\testImport.csv" # TODO: modify me
$userIdColumn = "cn" # TODO: modify me
$userIdProperty = "employeeid" # TODO: modify me
$accountPasswordColumn = "AccountPassword" # TODO: modify me
$customColumnNames = @{
"title" = "title";
"Departmentnumber" = "departmentNumber";
"department" = "department";
"description" = "description";
"office" = "physicalDeliveryOfficeName";
"emailaddress" = "mail";
"extensionAttribute2" = "extensionAttribute2";

Test file:
Joe Test,jtest,322507,TRUE,987654321,North Michigan,OfficeLocation,Cook,322507,,TestRole,,5/31/2021 20:31
Support Jun 02, 2021
Hello Leo,

To get notifications on the import attempts performed via the script, you can specify your email address in the $to variable.

Most probably, the changes are not performed because the Joe Test user account was not found in your domain. The thing is that the value for user search is obtained from the column whose name is specified in the $userIdColumn variable. In your case, it is the cn column which contains full name but not an employee ID whose attribute name is specified to perform the search by (the value of the $userIdProperty variable). At the same time, the empid column name does not match any attribute LDAP name and is not listed in the $customClumnNames variable. That will cause an error during the script execution. If the empid column contains the employee IDs the user search should be performed by, you can change the $userIdColumn variable value to empid to remedy the issue.

Also, the whenChanged attribute specified in your CSV file is System Only. It means the attribute can be set/updated only by Active Directory and attempts to update manually (e.g. via the script) will cause errors. Thus, you should remove the attribute column from the file.

For your information, as the title, Departmentnumber, department, description, and extensionAttribute2 column name match the names of the corresponding attributes, there is no need to list them in the $customColumnNames variable. In case of the file you are importing, the variable can be like the following:
Edit Remove
$customColumnNames = @{
    "office" = "physicalDeliveryOfficeName";
    "emailaddress" = "mail";
Leo Jun 02, 2021
Got it working. Thank you!
Lasan Jul 13, 2021
Hallo Everyone

I'm working with Script 2 - I what to update the attribute employeeNumber. I made a list with one line, but I get the Error the User not found.

$csvFilePath = "\\Server\csv\Update_User.csv" # TODO: modify me
$userIdColumn = "sAMAccountName" # TODO: modify me
$userIdProperty = "employeeNumber" # TODO: modify me
$accountPasswordColumn = "AccountPassword" # TODO: modify me
$customColumnNames = @{
"sAMAccountName" = "sAMAccountName";
"employeeNumber" = "employeeNumber";

} # TODO: modify me
$aDObjectProperties = @("employeeNumber") # TODO: modify me

Support Jul 13, 2021

The thing is that you specifies the column and the property for identifying user account incorrectly. The sAMAccountName column contains the value of the sAMAccountName property, not that of the employeeNumber property. Also, as the employeeNumber is not of DN syntax and you have no such properties in the CSV file, the $aDObjectProperties should be set to an empty array. Finally, your script should be exactly as below.

Edit Remove
Import-Module Adaxes

$csvFilePath = "\\Server\Update_User.csv" # TODO: modify me
$userIdColumn = "sAMAccountName" # TODO: modify me
$userIdProperty = "sAMAccountName" # TODO: modify me
$accountPasswordColumn = "AccountPassword" # TODO: modify me
$customColumnNames = @{
    "sAMAccountName" = "sAMAccountName";
    "employeeNumber" = "employeeNumber";
} # TODO: modify me

$aDObjectProperties = @() # TODO: modify me

# E-mail settings
$to = "recipient@domain.com" # TODO: modify me
$subject = "Import report" # TODO: modify me
$reportHeader = "<h2>Import report</h2>"
$reportFooter = "<hr /><p><i>Please do not reply to this e-mail, it has been sent to you for notification purposes only.</i></p>" # TODO: modify me

$domainName = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%")
$importedUsers  = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath

$moreThanOneUserFound = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"
$userNotFound = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"
foreach ($userFromCSV in $importedUsers)
    $userObject = @{}
    $accountPassword = $NULL
    $propertiesToClear = @()
    foreach ($property in $userFromCSV.PSObject.Properties)
        $columnName = $property.Name
        $value = $property.Value

        if ($columnName -ieq $accountPasswordColumn -and !([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)))
            $accountPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $value -Force
        elseif ($columnName -ieq $accountPasswordColumn -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))

        if ($customColumnNames.ContainsKey($columnName))
            $propertyName = $customColumnNames[$columnName]
            $propertyName = $columnName

        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))
            $propertiesToClear += $propertyName

        # Parse special columns
        if ($columnName -ieq $userIdColumn)
            $propertyName = $userIdProperty
        elseif ($aDObjectProperties -icontains $columnName)
            $aDObject = Get-AdmObject -Filter {(Name -eq $value) -or (DisplayName -eq $value) -or (distinguishedName -eq $value)} `
                -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName

            if ($aDObject -is [System.Array])
                $Context.LogMessage("Found more than one object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")

            if ($aDObject -eq $NULL)
                $Context.LogMessage("Could not locate object with identity '$value'.", "Warning")

            $value = $aDObject.DistinguishedName

        if ($value -ieq "True" -or $value -ieq "False")
            $value = [System.Boolean]::Parse($value)

        $userObject.Add($propertyName, $value)

    # Check whether the user exists
    $valueForSearch = $userObject.$userIdProperty
    $userExists = Get-AdmUser -LdapFilter "($userIdProperty=$valueForSearch)" `
        -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName

    if ($NULL -eq $userExists)

    if ($userExists -is [System.Array])

    # If user exists, update account
    $displayName = $userExists.Name
        Set-AdmUser -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -Replace $userObject `
            -AdaxesService localhost -Server $domainName -ErrorAction Stop
        $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")

    if ($propertiesToClear.Length -ne 0)
            Set-AdmUser -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -Clear $propertiesToClear `
                -AdaxesService localhost -Server $domainName -ErrorAction Stop
            $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")

    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($accountPassword))

        Set-AdmAccountPassword -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -NewPassword $accountPassword `
            -Reset -Server $domainName -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction Stop
        $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating the password for user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")

if ($moreThanOneUserFound.Length -eq 0 -and $userNotFound.Length -eq 0)

# Build report
$html = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder"
if ($userNotFound.Length -ne 0)
    $html.Append("<b>The following users were not found in Active Directory:</b>")

if ($moreThanOneUserFound.Length -ne 0)
    $html.Append("<b>Found more than one user with the following value of the $userIdProperty property:</b>")

# Send report
$Context.SendMail($to, $subject, $NULL, $html.ToString())
Waqas Ahmed Feb 11, 2022
I want to create bulk users by importing CSV file from web console . The user give file path as a parameter. Is it possible ? Can some one please guide me, how to do it ? may be through custom command with csv path as a parameter ?
Support Feb 14, 2022
Hello Ahmed,

Yes, it is possible using a custom command and a parameter. In this case, the corresponding line in the script will look as below, where param-filePath is the name of the parameter used to specify the path to the CSV file.

Edit Remove
$csvFilePath = "%param-filePath%" # TODO: modify me

The parameter can be of Edit box type and users will have to manually enter the path. Unfortunately, there is no parameter that would allow you to browse the file system to select a file. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.
Josh Healey May 06, 2022
Hey guys, I had this script running just fine a month ago, but now I cannot seem to figure out why ALL users cannot be found using their employeeName attribute. Attached is my script. It was working without any changes and suddenly I cannot get it to find all the users to update. I could really use the help. ####Current CSV headers: Employee_Code,Department_Desc,Position Import-Module Adaxes $csvFilePath = "\\server\Imports\document.csv" # Specifies a path to the CSV file that will be imported. $userIdColumn = "Employee_Code" # Specifies the name of the column that contains the property for identifying existing users. $userIdProperty = "employeeNumber" # Specifies the LDAP name of the property for identifying existing users (e.g. sAMAccountName, employeeID). #$accountPasswordColumn = "AccountPassword" # Specifies the name of the column that contains account passwords. $customColumnNames = @{ "Position" = "title"; "Department_Desc" = "department"; "Employee_Code" = "employeeNumber"; } # Maps column headers with LDAP names of the corresponding user account properties. If mapping is not specified for a column header, the header specified in the file will be used as the property LDAP name; $aDObjectProperties = @() # Specifies the list of headers of the columns that contain references to other AD objects, such as, Manager, Secretary or Assistant. Objects can be referenced in the columns by their: Distinguished Name, Full name (cn attribute), or Display name. # E-mail settings $to = "adminExample" # Specifies the email notification recipient. $subject = "Paycom import report" # Specifies the email notification subject. $reportHeader = "
<h2>Paycom Import Report</h2>
" # Specifies the report header. $reportFooter = "<hr />
<p><em>Please do not reply to this e-mail, it has been sent to you for notification purposes only.</em></p>
" # Specifies the report header. $domainName = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%") $importedUsers = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath $moreThanOneUserFound = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder" $userNotFound = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder" foreach ($userFromCSV in $importedUsers) { $userObject = @{} $accountPassword = $NULL $propertiesToClear = @() foreach ($property in $userFromCSV.PSObject.Properties) { $columnName = $property.Name $value = $property.Value if ($columnName -ieq $accountPasswordColumn -and !([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))) { $accountPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $value -Force continue } elseif ($columnName -ieq $accountPasswordColumn -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) { continue } if ($customColumnNames.ContainsKey($columnName)) { $propertyName = $customColumnNames[$columnName] } else { $propertyName = $columnName } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) { $propertiesToClear += $propertyName continue } # Parse special columns if ($columnName -ieq $userIdColumn) { $propertyName = $userIdProperty } elseif ($aDObjectProperties -icontains $columnName) { $aDObject = Get-AdmObject -Filter {(Name -eq $value) -or (DisplayName -eq $value) -or (distinguishedName -eq $value)} ` -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName if ($aDObject -is [System.Array]) { $Context.LogMessage("Found more than one object with identity '$value'.", "Warning") continue } if ($aDObject -eq $NULL) { $Context.LogMessage("Could not locate object with identity '$value'.", "Warning") continue } $value = $aDObject.DistinguishedName } if ($value -ieq "True" -or $value -ieq "False") { $value = [System.Boolean]::Parse($value) } $userObject.Add($propertyName, $value) } # Check whether the user exists $valueForSearch = $userObject.$userIdProperty $userExists = Get-AdmUser -LdapFilter "($userIdProperty=$valueForSearch)" ` -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $domainName if ($NULL -eq $userExists) { $userNotFound.Append("
") continue } if ($userExists -is [System.Array]) { $moreThanOneUserFound.Append("
") continue } # If user exists, update account $displayName = $userExists.Name try { Set-AdmUser -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -Replace $userObject ` -AdaxesService localhost -Server $domainName -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning") } if ($propertiesToClear.Length -ne 0) { try { Set-AdmUser -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -Clear $propertiesToClear ` -AdaxesService localhost -Server $domainName -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning") } } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($accountPassword)) { continue } try { Set-AdmAccountPassword -Identity $userExists.DistinguishedName -NewPassword $accountPassword ` -Reset -Server $domainName -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred when updating the password for user '$displayName'. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning") } } if ($moreThanOneUserFound.Length -eq 0 -and $userNotFound.Length -eq 0) { return } # Build report $html = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder" $html.Append($reportHeader) if ($userNotFound.Length -ne 0) { $html.Append("<strong>The following users were not found in Active Directory:</strong>") $html.Append("
<ol>") $html.Append($userNotFound.ToString()) $html.Append("</ol>
") } if ($moreThanOneUserFound.Length -ne 0) { $html.Append("<strong>Found more than one user with the following value of the $userIdProperty property:</strong>") $html.Append("
<ol>") $html.Append($moreThanOneUserFound.ToString()) $html.Append("</ol>
") } # Send report $Context.SendMail($to, $subject, $NULL, $html.ToString())
Support May 06, 2022
Hello Josh,

What exactly do you mean by cannot get it to find all the users to update? Does the script update some users but not all? Do you face any errors? If so, please, send us (support@adaxes.com) screenshots. Also, please, send us a sample CSV file you are using. Any additional details will be much appreciated.
Cory Jan 12, 2023
For the "Create new and update existing users" script since the scope is the managed domain, how can I specify what OU to put newly created users in?
Support Jan 17, 2023
Hello Cory,

To achieve the desired behavior, you can create scheduled task configured for the Organizational Unit object type and specify only the required OU in the Activity Scope. Make sure to select the The Organizational Unit object checkbox only.
George Holden Jun 07, 2023
I updated the Script to Create User only, and when I ran the Script, it generated the following error:
The term 'Import-Module' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. Stack trace: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 1
I did not modify the Import-Module Line, and I have other Scripts running with this same Import Module call that does not error out.
Support Jun 08, 2023
Hello George,

Most probably, there is some unprintable character in the line. You can try to just remove it from the script. Starting with PowerShell 3.0 required modules are imported automatically.
Thomas Jul 20, 2023
I was getting the Script 2: Only update existing users to work. Thank you for that.
Can you help me on how can I use it to only update one user and not a bulk? This is for when I create a new user, and the "sAMAccountName" match a entry from the csv file it will update the attributes.

Support Jul 20, 2023
Hello Thomas,

There is no easy way to just update this script to meet your needs. The thing is that you need a totally reverse logic and thus the script will be totally different.
Thomas Jul 20, 2023
Thank for the reply.
I was able to find a workaround for the problem, I just added some lines. So instead of running the loop on all users in the csv file I only got it to run on my current user.
So, what i did was make some new variable:
$CurrentUser = "%username%"
$folder = "E:\csvfilefromHR" # Location of file
$csvfile = "CSVfilename" #Name of file

$csvfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $folder -File | Where-Object {$_.Extension -like ".csv" -and $_.Name -like "$csvfile*"} | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | select -First 1 | select fullname # Selecting the newest CSV file

$importedUsersNofilter = Import-Csv -path $csvfiles.FullName -Encoding UTF8 # Import the whole CSV file.

importedUsers = $importedUsersNofilter| Where-Object {$_.user_name -eq $CurrentUser} # Import only the line with current user.

Then I use the rest of the script to update the users.
Hope this can help other also.
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