The script creates and emails a CSV report containing users whose e-mail address has been recently changed. To track changes in e-mail addresses, the script saves the current e-mail address in Adaxes custom attribute CustomAttributeText1. On each run, the script compares a user's current e-mail address to the address saved in the custom attribute.
To generate such reports on a regular basis, you need to create a scheduled task configured for the Domain-DNS object type. To add the script to your task, use the Run a program or PowerShell script action.
Note: The script uses cmdlets from Adaxes PowerShell module for Active Directory. To run the script, you need to install the PowerShell Module for Active Directory component of Adaxes.
- $to - Specifies email addresses of the recipient(s) of the report.
- $from - Specifies the sender.
- $smtpServer - Specifies the SMTP server that will be used to send the report.
- $messageSubject - Specifies the email message subject.
- $messageBody - Specifies the email message body.
- $csvFilePath - Specifies the path for the generated CSV file.
- $deleteCsvWhenSent - Specifies whether to delete the CSV file after it has been sent.
Import-Module Adaxes # Email message setings $to = "" # TODO: modify me $from = "" # TODO: modify me $smtpServer = "" # TODO: modify me $messageSubject = "My Subject" # TODO: modify me $messageBody = "Message Text" # TODO: modify me # CSV file settings $csvFilePath = "\\server\share\report.csv" # TODO: modify me $deleteCsvWhenSent = $False # Set to $True to delete the CSV file after it is sent # Find all user accounts $users = Get-AdmUser -Filter * -AdaxesService localhost ` -Properties employeeID, displayName, mail, manager, l, st, whenCreated, whenChanged $report = @() foreach ($user in $users) { $userMail = $user.mail if ($userMail -eq $NULL) { $userMail = "" } # Get previously saved email address $userObject = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($user.distinguishedName) try { $savedEmailAddress = $userObject.Get("adm-CustomAttributeText1") } catch { $savedEmailAddress = $NULL } if (!$savedEmailAddress) { # The script is executed for the first time on the user $userObject.Put("adm-CustomAttributeText1", $userMail) $userObject.SetInfo() continue } if($userMail -ieq $savedEmailAddress) { # The user's email has not changed since the previous run continue } # The user's email has changed since the previous run # Update the custom attribute $userObject.Put("adm-CustomAttributeText1", $userMail) $userObject.SetInfo() # Add the user to the CSV file $newPSObject = New-Object PSObject $newPSObject | Add-Member -Name employeeID -Value $user.employeeID -MemberType NoteProperty $newPSObject | Add-Member -Name displayName -Value $user.displayName -MemberType NoteProperty $newPSObject | Add-Member -Name samaccountname -Value $user.samaccountname -MemberType NoteProperty $newPSObject | Add-Member -Name mail -Value $user.mail -MemberType NoteProperty $newPSObject | Add-Member -Name manager -Value $user.manager -MemberType NoteProperty $newPSObject | Add-Member -Name l -Value $user.l -MemberType NoteProperty $newPSObject | Add-Member -Name st -Value $ -MemberType NoteProperty $newPSObject | Add-Member -Name whenCreated -Value $user.whenCreated -MemberType NoteProperty $newPSObject | Add-Member -Name whenChanged -Value $user.whenChanged -MemberType NoteProperty $report += $newPSObject } if ($report.Length -eq 0) { return # No changes } # Export the report to a CSV file $report | Export-Csv -Path $csvFilePath -NoTypeInformation # Send report Send-MailMessage -To $to -from $from -SmtpServer $smtpServer -Attachments $csvFilePath -Subject $messageSubject -Body $messageBody # Delete the CSV file, if necessary if ($deleteCsvWhenSent) { Remove-Item -Path $csvFilePath -Force }