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Actually it's a test account that's showing this issue.
I logon as a test account that has recently been created so has not reports in AD.
When I logon as that user the "My Teams" section is showing a whole bunch of members.
No-one is reporting anything similar but I checked another test account and that is also showing members who are not managed by that account.

Any ideas where I should look for a solution?

by (840 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


The My Team section is populated as follows:

  • If a user has subordinates specified via the Direct Reports attribute, the user is considered to be a manager. In this case, the My Team section contains all users specified in the Direct Reports attribute.
  • If the Direct Reports attribute doesn’t return any users, Adaxes checks the Manager attribute of the user account, If it is not empty, the user is considered a member of his manager’s team. In this case, the My Team section contains the manager and all of the manager’s direct reports.

Since you state that you didn’t specify any direct reports for your test account, did you specify a manger when creating it?


Perfect explanation. The difference between direct reports and wider team membership.

Thanks. :)

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