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I have the HelpDesk web interface setup and I have a Create User task that our help desk can user to create new users. I have a Property Pattern setup that sets some default values including the User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000). When I'm creating a new user using that form it populates the User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000) with the value I've set as the default (%firstname:lower,1%%lastname:lower%) and that in turn populates some other fields that are linked to the %username% alias. If I try to change the value of the User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000) field it changes and everything in the form updates accordingly but when I click the Create button and the account gets created those changes are thrown out and it users the value from the property pattern.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the Default Value of a property pattern property. I thought it would just populate a default value and if it was changed then it would accept that change but it appears that what ever is setup in the property pattern is what will be put in the AD account when it's created. So my question is this (sorry about the long winded explanation): How do I populate an "initial" value but still allow it to be changed on the web form and subsequently put into AD? The reason is that occasionally we have users that end up with the same account name using our naming method and it needs to be changed from what the default is. Hope that all makes sense.


by (520 points)

Have you selected the 'disable' option in the 'speech bubble' icon to the immediate right of data entry field?

If you have customised the text then this option doesn't appear any more (feature request!) though.


1 Answer

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by (216k points)


bemho, actually you got it right, the value generated by the Property Pattern is just a default value. If you change the value generated by a Property Pattern, Adaxes should accept the modified value.

To help us troubleshoot the issue, can you send us the configuration of your Web Interface that you are experiencing issues with? To do this:

  1. On the computer where your Web Interface is installed, open the folder that contains the Adaxes Web Interface site that you are experiencing issues with. By default, Adaxes Web Interface sites are installed to the following folders:

    • Administrators:
      C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\Admin\
    • Help Desk:
      C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\HelpDesk\
    • Self-Service:
      C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\SelfService\
  2. Locate the Web.config file.

  3. Attach this file to a letter and send it to our support email (adaxes@softerra.com).


Just posting a quick reply to let you know I've sent the email you requested with the web.config file. Thanks for the awesome support.


We've received your email and tried creating users in our testing environment with your Web Interface configuration file. Everything worked OK, which means that most probably the issue is not in the Web Interface configuration. Do you have any Business Rules triggered before or after Creating a User? Can you also send us a screenshot of your Property Pattern that you use for the User object type (by default, the User Pattern) so that we could also include it in the tests?


Just another post to let you know I've sent in another email with the screenshots requested. I don't know how you post images on the forum which is why I sent it in as an email. Thanks again.


We've received your email, thanks. What about Business Rules? Do you have any Business Rules triggered before Creating a User?


I don't have any business rules that execute before creating a user. The only business rule I have is the one I sent you a screenshot of that executes after a user is created.


That behavior is rather strange. We've assigned our QA team the task to investigate the issue. We'll update this topic as soon as they come up with something.



Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce your issue in our testing environment. With the Web Interface set up from your configuration file and the same Property Pattern as you have, everything works OK. However, we have one more guess. The Business Rule that you sent us launches two Custom Commands. Can you also the Custom Commands to our email?



Can you answer a couple of questions that can help us reproduce the issue?

  1. What version of Adaxes are you using?
  2. Does the issue occur only when creating users in the Web Interface, or the same behavior is reproduced in Adaxes Administration Console? Can you reproduce the issue in the Administration Console?
  3. Take a look at Adaxes service log. Find a record that describes creation of a user, when setting of the modified username failed. Can you send us details of the log record? For information on how to view Adaxes service log, see View Service Log.

Here are the answers to your questions and I have some more information that may or may not be helpful.

  1. I'm using version 3.3.8906.0 (64 bit)
  2. I tested it and I cannot reproduce the problem using the Administration Console. If I create the user in the Admin Console (changing the username) it accepts the change and when the AD account is made is has the correct username. So the issue is only occurring when creating the user with the Web Interface.
  3. I looked at the log and I'm not sure how much useful information is has but I can send it to you.

The extra information that I was referring to was when I did the test again in the Web Interface I clicked the link to show more properties and added in the User Logon Name property just to see and when it loaded in the property the username that I had entered switched back to what I changed it from. So when the little "Loading" window popped up and the page reloaded the username was switched back. I changed it again and this time I noticed that as soon as I pressed the Create button the username switched to what it was originally. Not sure if that is helpful or not. I will send the log over in an email. Thanks for all the help with this issue.


Just wondering if there is any update on this issue? Thanks



Our QA team did not yet manage to reproduce the issue.


I don't know if it's something you guys do but if you wanted to do a webex or something to see what I'm seeing I be more than willing to do that.



Can you install the Web Interface on a different computer, restore the configuration and check whether the issue is there?



Will that break the current web interface site or can I have them both running at the same time?


No, it won't break anything. Adaxes allows you to install any number of Web Interfaces.


Ok. I finally got around to installing another Web Interface on a different server and restored the configuration from the current server to it and it works properly (accepts the username change that I input). So with that in mind, how do I go about fixing my actual server? Just restore the configuration on it?




Hmm, that's really strange...

I suggest you try the following:

  1. Clean browser caches

    If that doesn't help

  2. Restore the configuration of your Web Interface

    If that doesn't help

  3. Reinstall the Web Interface (without reinstalling your Adaxes service)


Thanks for all the help with this issue. I never did figure out why it was happening, but I just installed 2013.1 and tested it out and everything is working as it should. Again, thanks for all the help.

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