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How can I make that happen without doing it through a custom command?

for instance, when creating a user, once you enter first, name etc, the full name, user logon name are being filled out the same time.
That's how I want it to be for the description and job title field.

by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


You can do this with the help of Adaxes Property Patterns.

Property Patterns define value constraints and generation templates for properties. To generate the Description of a new user based on the user's Job Title property, you need to modify the built-in User Pattern. By default, it defines value generation templates for all users. To do this:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. Expand the service node that represents your service.
  3. Locate and select the built-in User Pattern.
  4. Click Add at the top of the Result Pane (located to the right) and select Description.
  5. In the Generate default value field, type %title%.

    %title% is a value reference that will be substituted with the Job Title property of the user. For more details, see Value Reference Format.
  6. Save the Property Pattern.

Alternatively, you can create your own Property Pattern that will be used to generate the value for the Description property. For more details, see Creating Property Pattern.


I will try that!


so I am thinking abt building another section for temps b/c their email/username convention will be slightly different and other field need to be required vs our permanent employees.
I was thinking to add a temp section on the home screen and in the home page actions, add new user. I've build another property pattern but don't know how to apply it to this new section. Can you tell me how?



The thing is that Property Patterns cannot be 'linked' to Web Interface forms, Home Page Actions etc. Instead, you can assign a Property Pattern over a certain location in Active Directory (for example, over OUs, Containers, or whole domains), over groups or members of groups, or over virtual collections called Business Units.

Since the Property pattern is to be applied to new users, you have only one option: assigning the Property Pattern over a certain location in your AD. So, if, for example, all your temporary employees are created in a certain OU, you can assign your new Property Pattern over that OU. Also, you will need to modify the Activity Scope of the Property Pattern for other employees so that it doesn't include the OU for temporary employees. For information on how to assign a Property Pattern over a certain OU, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?ManagePrope ... Scope.html. The help article also contains information on how to exclude a certain OU from the Activity Scope of a Property Pattern (see the 1st tip on the 5th step).

So, if all your temporary employees are located in an OU called Temp, the Activity Scope of the new Property Pattern should look something like this:

The Activity Scope of the Property Pattern for all other employees should be like this:

Also, when creating a Home Page Action for new temporary employees, you can configure the Action to create new employees only in a certain OU. For information on how to do this, see the Configure Home Page Actions Tutorial (see Step 3 under Create New Object).


thanks for the info. I will try that.
if I modify the activity scope of property pattern for other employees so it doesn't include the temp OU, will that OU still be searchable/viewable when viewing a user? or this is strictly for the creation of temp users?


so I tried this and I thinks it works, however, the fields I have within this Property Pattern are not behaving as I would expect.
For instance, I have the basic field and make them required, however, when testing it, the required field isn't being enforced.

so I may have figured it out...I notice the object type on my newly created property pattern isn't assigned to any object like the others are. I will create a new one and see if that fixes the issue.



if I modify the activity scope of property pattern for other employees so it doesn't include the temp OU, will that OU still be searchable/viewable when viewing a user?

This will not affect the visibility of the OU since Property Patterns define only value generation templates and constraints, they do not deal with access rights. The Activity Scope of a Property Pattern simply defines, where this or that Property Pattern applies.

so I tried this and I thinks it works, however, the fields I have within this Property Pattern are not behaving as I would expect.
For instance, I have the basic field and make them required, however, when testing it, the required field isn't being enforced.

Make sure that:

  1. The Object type of the new Property Pattern is User or User and InetOrgPerson (since the Property Pattern is to be applied when creating new users).
  2. The location where you create the new users is included in the Activity Scope of the Pattern.

this isn't working for me.

I don't want to do all objects, as we'd like to only give HR Users OU in different cities. When I add them explicitly, when tested, the right form isn't coming up.

I put in an email to support with my number. It would be better if someone can call me.



Please reply to Eugene Pavlov's letter. We'll organize a call or web meeting for you.


Eugene assisted earlier this wk, but with one of the new user form isn't behaving properly.
I emailed but posted her hoping to get a quicker response.

he entered name=users for the LDAP filter and I also have the OUs for the target container listed. however when I click on create user, all user containers show up.

EDIT-- Eugene reached out. I will work w/ him on this.


When we modify a user...for instance I want to modify the description and have that reflected in the Job Title.
Can this be done when modifying a user?

I think it can't be b/c essentially we are filing out fields as oppose to a newly created user, where we can allow that.
Just want confirmation to make sure I understand.


Can this be done when modifying a user?

Yes, sure. To do this, when defining a template for generating a value fore a property, you need to switch the Generate value radio button to on creating and editing objects. In this case, the default value will be generated based on the template you specify not only when a new user is created, but also when an existing user is modified.


cool. thanks again.


not sure if you answered this already, but I want to edit a property name so its modified when modifying users.
when I launched the property pattern for user pattern...I want to change the Office property to have an option when modifying.
How can I allow that? I currently do not see the option.




Sorry, we don't quite get the idea. Can you explain it in a bit more detail? Maybe a couple of screenshots would help?


disregard. I figured it out.
the default value field was empty on a property pattern, so I didn't see the option to generate value on editing objects. Once I entered something it came up.

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