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I'm trying to find out the limit of entries in the textmultivalue custom attributes but am stuggling to find anything, Do you have any documentation on this?


by (2.0k points)

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by (3.6k points)
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We don’t have any special documentation about this, as the limit on the number of entries in multi-valued attributes comes from Active Directory, not from Adaxes. The actual limit is between 1200 and 1300 entries across all custom multi-valued attributes i.e. adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1..10.


Thanks for the response.

Just to confirm, that would be 120-130 per attribute?


The total number of values is cumulative across all custom attributes. Thus, it can be 120-130 per attribute, or 1200-1300 in one attribute, while all other attributes are empty.

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