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We are still using version 2017.2, because otherwise we can no longer authorize with smart cards. Is it still possible to connect Adaxes with Azur?

by (170 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)

Hello Johann,

otherwise we can no longer authorize with smart cards.

What exactly do you mean? Could you, please, provide us with all the possible details? If you cannot post the details here, you can send them to support[at]adaxes.com.

Is it still possible to connect Adaxes with Azur?

You can register your Microsoft 365 tenant in Adaxes. This will allow you to assign Microsoft 365 licenses to users and manage mailboxes in Exchange Online via Adaxes. To register your tenant:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand your service node.
  3. Navigate to Configuration/Cloud Services and select Office 365.
  4. In the Result Pane on the right, click New.
  5. Follow the instructions in the wizard to register your tenant.

The following tutorial might also be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_ManageAndAutomateOffice365.htm.

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