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Recently, Microsoft deprecated use of the remote PS sessions using version 1. We have since converted all of our scripts to version 2, but our nightly staff changes that used to process without issue are now failing on several tasks with the error : Your app has been throttled by ADD dude to too many requests.

Is there a way I need to modify the following code to allow all processes to complete properly as they did when using version 1? Thanks

$groupNames = @("SG_EXAMPLE")

    # Get the object ID in Microsoft 365
    $objectId = [Guid]$Context.TargetObject.Get("adm-O365ObjectId")
    return # The user doesn't have a Microsoft 365 account


    # Connect to Exchange Online
    Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $Context.GetOffice365Credential()

    foreach ($groupName in $groupNames)
        # Add user to group
            Add-DistributionGroupMember $groupName -Member $objectId.ToString() -BypassSecurityGroupManagerCheck -ErrorAction Stop
            $Context.LogMessage("An error occurred while adding the user to group $groupName. Error: " + $_.Exception.Message, "Warning")
    # Close the remote session and release resources
    Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -Confirm:$false
by (80 points)

1 Answer

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by (295k points)


The script is correct and does not require any modifications. Most probably, the issue occurs because you execute it for a lot of users in a short period of time (e.g. in a scheduled task). The only way to avoid the issue is to process all users in a single session established by a single script executed once.


Thanks for your response. Is there a reason, that you know of, that it used to work fine, as is, using the previous version of PS Session but has issues with this version?



The only reason we can see is that you just did not hit the limit previously. As per our check, it was present long ago and the behaviour was the same. However, we are also aware of some changes in Microsoft 365 tenants that were performed recently. The behaviour you are facing might be related to that somehow. You can try checking details with Microsoft Support.

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