0 votes

I have a scheduled task that runs a PowerShell script. The script checks various properties of each user, and uses $Context.LogMessage to report on properties that are not formatted properly.

Currently if I set an action to Send an email, an email will be generated for every user. How can I combine all of these LogMessages (doesn't have to be LogMessage) into a single report or single notification email?

by (100 points)


For us to suggest a solution, please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) a screenshot of the Scheduled Task and the script being executed.



Scheduled Task is very simple, just executes a Custom Command image.png

Custom Command is a PowerShell script

$username = '%username%'
$upn = '%userPrincipalName%'
$mail = '%mail%'
$alias = '%mailNickname%'

Import-Module Adaxes
# Username Checks
if ($username -cne $username.ToLower()) {
    $Context.LogMessage("Username $username is not lowercase", 'Warning')

# UPN checks
if ($upn -cne $upn.ToLower()) {
    $Context.LogMessage("UPN $upn is not lowercase", 'Warning')
if ($upn -ne "$username@example.com") {
    $Context.LogMessage("UPN $upn is not in format of username@example.com", 'Warning')

# Email checks
if ($mail -and $mail -cne $mail.ToLower()) {
    $Context.LogMessage("Email $mail is not lowercase", 'Warning')
if ($alias -and $alias -cne $alias.ToLower()) {
    $Context.LogMessage("Alias $alias is not lowercase", 'Warning')

I just want to combine results of the script so I can get a report of incorrectly formatted properties.




Thank you for the provided details. It can be done by updating the script you have. For us to provide you with the updated script, please, specify what should be done if a specific property (e.g. Email) is empty? Should the corresponding message be added to the email notification? A live example of the email notification would also be very helpful.


If mail or mailNickname are blank, that's fine, no warning should be given.

I just need a way to get notified of all the incorrectly formatted properties in one consolidated report. If I set the custom command to Email, it gives me an email for each user.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (299k points)


Thank you for the confirmation. It can be done using a report. For information on how to create a report, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_CreateReport.htm. In the report, use the below script. In the script, the $validUpnDomain variable specifies the domain part that will be used to validate UPNs.

$validUpnDomain = "example.com" # TODO: modify me


    $searchIterator = $Context.DirectorySearcher.ExecuteSearch()
    while ($Context.MoveNext($searchIterator))
        $searchResult = $searchIterator.Current
        $sAMAccountName = $searchResult.GetPropertyByName("sAMAccountName").Values[0]
        $mail = $searchResult.GetPropertyByName("mail").Values[0]
        $userPrincipalName = $searchResult.GetPropertyByName("userPrincipalName").Values[0]
        $mailNickname = $searchResult.GetPropertyByName("mailNickname").Values[0]

        $valiedUserName = "$sAMAccountName@$validUpnDomain"
        if ($sAMAccountName -cmatch "[A-Z]")
        elseif ($userPrincipalName -cmatch "[A-Z]")
        elseif ($userPrincipalName -ne $valiedUserName)
        elseif ($mail -cmatch "[A-Z]")
        elseif ($mailNickname -cmatch "[A-Z]")
    if ($searchIterator) { $searchIterator.Dispose() }

For information on how to schedule reports delivery, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_ScheduleReports.htm.

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