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On Approval Requests, in the web console, Initiator shows "N/A" instead of the custom command scheduled task. The admin console shows the custom command scheduled task though. Any way to fix that?



by (2.3k points)
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by (299k points)
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Hello Mark,

According to the second screenshot, the operation was initiated by a Scheduled Task, not a Custom Command. In the Web Interface, N/A is displayed because the logged on user does not have the permissions to see the Scheduled Task. To grant the permissions, you need to create a Security Role like the following: image.png

For your information, Custom Commands cannot be operation initiators. If an operation is submitted for approval by executing a Custom Command, the user who executed the command will be the operation initiator.


Ahh my bad. I must have had custom command on my brain. You are right it is a scheduled Task. Thank you for the information!

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