0 votes

Here is what i want to do:

  • check if the user has an OOF-Message set, when not, then we set such a message.

many of our users have several e-mailadresses in their e-mail field. and what i want to do is, to set individually OOF-Messages...

so i want to get the e-mail domain from the e-mail field of the user and store it to a customattribute


and then the oof-message should look like: image.png

is this possible?

by (200 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Yes, it is possible. However, it cannot be done using value references in built-in actions if both actions (script and Exchange properties modification) are performed in the same workflow (e.g. in a single Business Rule). It is because value references are resolved before executing a Business Rule, Custom Command or Scheduled Task. As such, the value reference %adm-CustomAttributeText40% will resolve into an empty value. To achieve the desired, you can use a Scheduled Task like the following to save the domain part of user emails into the custom attribute: image.png Then, you can use a Custom Command or a Scheduled Task to set the OOF message the way you referenced. To check whether the feature is enabled, use the below script in the If PowerShell script returns true condition. The condition will be met if the feature is disabled completely or OOF messages are scheduled for the period that does not include the current date.

# Get mailbox parameters
$Context.ConditionIsMet = $False
    $mailboxParams = $Context.TargetObject.GetMailParameters()

# Check OOF configuration
$automaticReplies = $mailboxParams.AutoReplyConfiguration
$automaticRepliesStatus = $automaticReplies.AutoReplyState

switch ($automaticRepliesStatus)
        $isEnabled = $False
        $isEnabled = $True
        # OOF message is scheduled
        # Check whether OOF is enabled right now
        # Get current date
        $currentDate = Get-Date

        # Check OOF schedule
        $startDate = $automaticReplies.StartTime
        $endDate = $automaticReplies.EndTime

        if (($startDate -lt $currentDate) -and ($endDate -gt $currentDate))
            $isEnabled = $True
            $isEnabled = $False

$Context.ConditionIsMet = !$isEnabled

Finally, you will have something like the following: image.png


ok thank you for the information.

and is there another possability, for example to only get the domain from the UPN


best regards



Sure, you can use the very same script to get the domain part of the UPN property.

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