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Some users we are trying to cross over into Adaxes have e-mail addresses with plus signs. Right now, if they put an e-mail address of, "Eamun+hello@domain.com" it throws:

Constraint Violation
The format of the specified e-mail address is invalid.  Please specify a valid e-mail.

Is there a way for Adaxes to accept plus signs in e-mail addresses? I should be valid. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5233

by (70 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Yes, for this purpose you need to modify the Property Pattern that defines constraints for the Email property. By default, the constraints are defined by the built-in User Pattern.

To modify the User Pattern to accept the plus ('+') character in email addresses:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. Expand the service node that represents your Adaxes service.
  3. Navigate to Configuration \ Property Patterns \ Builtin.
  4. Select the User Pattern.
  5. Double-click the the Email property.
  6. In the edit field for the Must match regexp option, specify the following regular expression:
  7. Save the Property Pattern.

In the next version, the builtin User Pattern will accept the plus ('+') character in email addresses by default.



Starting from Adaxes 2014.1 released yesterday, built-in Property Patterns for users, contacts and groups allow using the plus ('+') sign in e-mail addresses. You can download the latest build here.

Upgrade Instructions.

For a complete list of new features and improvements, see What's New.

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