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I am working on a scheduled task to help with the transition to adaxes.

I need to get the value that is currently set in msRTCSIP-Line, drop everything including the character "=", and populate that value into a custom attribute.

For Example, if msRTCSIP-Line is tel:+15555551234;ext=12345 i need to trim everything except the extension "12345" and then populate adm-CustomAttributeText4 with the value 12345. Leaving msRTCSIP-Line untouched of course.

Is this something that can be done via a scheduled task? I'm moving most aspects of Lync management to adaxes and need to stage the custom attributes that I am using for all the accounts that were already configured for Lync outside of Adaxes

by (370 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Yes, this can be done using a PowerShell script. Here's a script that does the job:

# Get the value of msRTCSIP-Line
    $value = $Context.TargetObject.Get("msRTCSIP-Line")
    $Context.LogMessage("Attribute 'msRTCSIP-Line' is empty", "Warning")

# Get extension
$extension = $value.SubString($value.LastIndexOf("=") + 1)

# Save extension to the custom attribute
$Context.TargetObject.Put("adm-CustomAttributeText4", $extension)

To run the script as a part of your Scheduled Task, use the Run a Program or PowerShell script action.

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