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We are glad to inform you that we've released Adaxes 2011.3 beta that includes the Password Self-Service feature.

Download links:

To configure Password Self-Service:

  1. Start Adaxes Administration Console.

  2. In the Console Tree, expand the node of your Adaxes service.

  3. Expand Configuration / Password Self-Service.

    • Use the Policies node to define policies for password self-service.
    • Use the Winlogon (Ctrl+Alt+Del) node to configure the Adaxes Self-Service Client. Adaxes Self-Service Client enables users to reset their passwords from the Windows Logon and Unlock screens.

By default, the Password Self-Service feature is enabled only for the Web Interface for Self-Service.
To enable the Password Self-Service feature for another Web Interface type, do the following:

  1. On the computer, where the Web Interface is installed, start the Web Interface Customization tool.
  2. Select the Web Interface that you want to configure in the Interface type drop-down list.
  3. Activate the Components tab.
  4. Deselect the Disable Self Password Reset check box, and click Apply.

The beta version doesn't include the announced Scheduled Tasks feature. This feature will be available in the release version.

by (18.0k points)

Many thanks for the update, Eugene. We'll give it a try tomorrow.


Great! We've been waiting for this feature!


Any comments on the new features would be much appreciated :)


Today we played a bit with the new version.

The overall impression is great!

Is it possible to specify something like a 'return URL' for the Self-Password Service page? We want users to be redirected to our portal when the operation is completed.

Here is another minor issue: nothing happens when I click the Installation Guide button in the self-service client setup.



Is it possible to specify something like a 'return URL' for the Self-Password Service page? We want users to be redirected to our portal when the operation is completed.

We'll implement it in the release version. Thank you very much for the suggestion!

nothing happens when I click the Installation Guide button in the self-service client setup.

It looks like you don't have any PDF viewer installed on your computer. We'll see what we can do in this case.


Great! Thanks for the excellent job.


Thanks for the good words.


The 2011.3 release is officially released!
What's New: http://adaxes.com/info_whats-new.htm.

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