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Pretty simple question. Upon user provisioning, based on business unit, is there a way to have the new O365 mailbox and user be added to an existing distribution group in O365?

I imagine if I was using DirSync, I could do this with local AD distribution groups, but that is currently not the case.

by (50 points)


Yes, this is possible using a PowerShell script executed automatically as a part of user provisioning. We've asked our script guys to make a sample for you. We'll update this topic as soon as they come up with something.


Thank you so much! This is literally the piece of script that is holding us back from purchasing a license, so any help would be spectacular!

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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The necessary script is ready. Find it in our Script Repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... t-s254.htm.

Pay attention that creating an Office 365 account takes some time, usually several seconds. Thus, if you execute the script as a part of user provisioning, it is highly probable that by the time the script runs, the user account won't be created in Office 365 yet. Thus, instead of adding the script to your provisioning process, we recommend creating a Scheduled Task that will update membership of users in Office 365 groups on a regular basis. For information on how to create a Scheduled Task, see Schedule Tasks for Active Directory Management. To add the script to your task, use the Run a program or PowerShell script action.

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