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I need some advice. I'd like to create a specific After user creation action, but I don't know exactly how. In our environment a new user need to assign a MS365 E3 license. But we don't allways have the right amount of free licenses. (I already create a scheduled report for that. :)) I would like to send an e-mail IF this Activate MS365 account step run to failed (but at only this step) and pause the after user creation process if there is not enough free licenses. Maybe the send to approve will help, but I don't see how should I configure this.

By the way, which is the simplest solution to create an MS365 mailbox in a hybrid environment? I found two (pritty old) answer on the site, but they are four or more years old. image.png

https://www.adaxes.com/questions/313/create-user-mailbox-in-office-365 Will it work in 2020?

Thank you for your answer.

by (50 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (299k points)


I would like to send an e-mail IF this Activate MS365 account step run to failed (but at only this step) and pause the after user creation process if there is not enough free licenses. Maybe the send to approve will help, but I don't see how should I configure this.

It can be done by requesting approval for licenses assignment if there are no licenses available in a Business Rule triggering After creating a user. If there are licenses available, the rule will just assign them. If there are no available licenses, there will be an email notification sent and the licenses assignment will be submitted for approval. As a result, user provisioning will be postponed until licenses are purchased and the request for licenses assignment is approved. Finally, the Business Rule will look like the following: image.png If this approach meets your needs, we will provide you with the script that will be used in the Business Rule condition.

By the way, which is the simplest solution to create an MS365 mailbox in a hybrid environment?

There is no need to use scripts for enabling remote mailboxes. Adaxes can be configured to automatically enable them when a Microsoft 365 license with access to Exchange Online is assigned to a user. For details on how to configure the behavior, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.PerformExchangeTasks.ConfigureEnablingDisablingOfRemoteMailboxes.html.


Thank you for your excellent support. I will try it. But as I saw, you called the "No Microsoft 365 licenses available" script. Where can I find this script? Would you please share it, I couldn't find it in the script repository.


Thank you are great! Have a nice day! :)

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