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Currently we have an Adaxes system set up for our Service Desk staff to log into and manage users / groups etc this is currently assigned by assigning the Service Desk staff member an AD group which then allows them to log into the "Service Desk" Adaxes portal.

I would like to know if it is possible to create a new Adaxes portal that can be logged into by members of our HR department (in a restricted way) so that they are able to update users information such as Job Titles and Manager names etc. I would obviously want to restrict access in this portal to not allow HR users to delete / amend permissions etc. But to simply amend General / Organization details.

If this is possible, how could I set this up? Also would there be any limiting factors such as licencing requirements for this?

Thanks in advance.

by (70 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (299k points)


If this is possible, how could I set this up?

In the new Web Interface, you will need to do the following:

Also would there be any limiting factors such as licencing requirements for this?

No, there are not such factors. You will just need to configure the Web Interface accordingly.

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