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When I build a report for "everyone" (and specifically for use by self service users) and define a scope that is specific to an OU, it runs fine in the web interface when I run it in my capacity as a network administrator; however, when I run it in the Self Service Portal (as a self service user), the report fails and it appears that it is unable to resolve the OU and instead is showing the SID/GUI for the specific OU.

Here's what I get when I try to run the report in the Self Service Portal:

Amarillo Extension Report Error.jpg

Here's the scope setting for the report:

Scope Setting.jpg

Here's the security role for the self service user:

Self-Service User Security Role Permissions.jpg

I'm not sure what permission seems to be missing that would allow this report to run properly and the Scope to be recognized for the self service user. Without this, the report is VERY slow because it is unable to isolate a smaller subset for the search. And I know it works as a different user (with essentially "full control" access to everything), so I'm not sure where to start.


by (50 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Hello Bill,

According to the error message, the logged on user does not have the permissions to actually see the Users OU. The thing is that the Security Role in your screenshot does not grant any permissions over OUs. Also, the permission for reports in the role will not work. To grant permissions to view reports you need to use specific users or groups as trustees. For your information, the Self security principal is only used to grant permissions to users over their own accounts.

For information on how to grant permissions to see objects, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_DelegatingPermissions_HideADObjectsFromUsers.htm. For example, to allow all users to see the Users OU, your Security Role will look like the following: image.png For information on how to delegate the permissions to view reports, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_DelegatingPermissions_GrantRightsToViewReports.htm.

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