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Hello Adaxes Team I would like to change the text in the approval mail. As far as I know this is currently only possible via "Custom Action Description" text.

For my software ordering process I have created a custom command, which adds the user to the necessary software group and needs to be approved by the manager.

The custom command (object type: User) has this parameters:

  • param-Comment (text field)
  • param-Software (security group)

Custom action description text:

%initiator% orders software %param-Software% for %fullname%. Reason: %param-Comment%


Now the problem is that %param-Software% gives me the distinguishedName and that is not really helpful. When I use %description% I get the description from the user object. Is there a way I can output the description propertie from the target-object?

regards Dominik

by (680 points)

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by (296k points)
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Hello Dominik,

Now the problem is that %param-Software% gives me the distinguishedName and that is not really helpful.

This behavior is by design. Value references for Custom Command parameters of AD object picker type always resolve into distinguished names. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to obtain values of other properties of the object selected in the parameter using value references.

When I use %description% I get the description from the user object. Is there a way I can output the description propertie from the target-object?

In custom action descriptions, value references always resolve into the values of corresponding properties of the object for which the Custom Command is executed. For example, if a command is executed for user John Smith, value reference %fullname% will resolve into John Smith, not the full name of the user who initiated the command execution.

If you face a different behavior, please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) with the exact custom action description you are using and all the possible details regarding the behavior.


Hello Thank you for the quick reply.

OK, then I will currently use the "SendMail" function to send the additional detailed information about the approval. (As described here: https://www.adaxes.com/questions/127/send-a-mail-in-html-format)

I hope in a future release there will be more options to customize the Approval email. That would be very helpful so that approvers really know what they are supposed to be approving ;)

Thanks and greetings Dominik

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