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The language of Adaxes Web interface and the format used to display dates can be different depending on the signed in user. The language can be selected either automatically or manually, whereas the regional format is always selected automatically.


Each user can manually choose the language of Adaxes Web interface. If a user selects a language manually, the choice is saved in their personal settings and the Web interface is always displayed for them in that language, regardless of the browser and the computer regional settings.

Alternatively, users can let Adaxes automatically select their Web interface language each time they sign in. In this case, Adaxes will select the language based on the list of languages of the user's web browser. If none of the languages from the list match a language Adaxes is available in, English (en-US) will be selected by default. This means that for the same user, a different Web interface language can be selected each time they sign in, depending on the browser language settings.

Regional format

The format for displaying dates is selected based on the Web Interface language. If the language has multiple regional formats e.g. English (United Kingdom) and English (United States), the format is selected based on the language settings set in the user's browser.

For example, if the user selected English as their Web interface language, and English (United Kingdom) is present in their browser language list, the dates will be displayed in the en-GB regional format (DD/MM/YYYY). On the other hand, if the user has English (United States) in their browser language list, the dates will be displayed in the en-US regional format (MM/DD/YYYY). Finally, if the user doesn't have English in their browser language list, the default regional format will be used. For the built-in languages, the default formats are: en-US for English, fr for French, and de for German.

by (560 points)
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