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One of my customers using ver 2019.2 wants to display the users parent OU on the WEB page for Move User.

Adaxes has a computed attribute that seems suitable called ParentDN but it is not available to add. PDN 2.png

The information seems available as I have added ParentDN to the selection list for the same function. PDN 5.png PDN 6.png

How can I add the same ParentDN information on the Move User WEB page? PDN 1.png

by (300 points)

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by (299k points)
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Hello Morten,

Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what the workflow is. The thing is that the Move Web interface action does not have a form at all. While according to the screenshots, your action does have a form. Also, the ParentDN property can only be added to the View form or action in Adaxes Web interface. This limitation is due to the property being calculated. It cannot be modified manually. As such, the property cannot be added, for example, to the forms used to modify objects.

For us to provide you with a possible solution, please, provide all the possible details regarding the workflow you have with live examples. If there are any business rules involved in the workflow, please, post here or send us (support@adaxes.com) screenshots.



My mistake. It has long been an irritation for me that I can not see which WEB interface action is behind a menu selection. Is there any way to get this information?

The referenced WEB interface action is Modify User where a Business Rule triggers for the change of the Office attribute. The task for the customer is moving the user to a different OU.

Why is it not possible to display read only attributes in the modify form? They should just be greyed out. Has this been fixed in later versions?

Is there any way to assign this value to a custom attribute and then display the custom attribute? (I tried using %adm-ParentDN% but that only got me my own OU. PDN 7.png


Hello Morten,

Why is it not possible to display read only attributes in the modify form? They should just be greyed out. Has this been fixed in later versions?

As we mentioned in the previous email this behavior is for Adaxes calculated properties and is by design. It remains the same in all versions of Adaxes.

Is there any way to assign this value to a custom attribute and then display the custom attribute?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility in Adaxes Web interface actions themselves. As a solution, you can use a scheduled task that will save the distinguished name of the OU where the user is located to a custom attribute (e.g. CustomAttributetext1). The task will look like the following: image.png

It has long been an irritation for me that I can not see which WEB interface action is behind a menu selection. Is there any way to get this information?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility except for giving corresponding names to Web interface actions. We will consider adding it in future releases.


OK. I will inform the customer of his options. Thank you for your help!

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