Is there a way to exclude characters in the random password generator? The number 1, the lowercase letter l (lunch), and the uppercase letter I (eye)all look the same.
Hello Derek,
What exactly do you mean by random password generator? Could you, please, post here or send us ( all the possible details regarding the workflow you have? Any additional details will be much appreciated.
I'd like the Password Never Expires to exclude certain users. Since it is script based is the only way to do so in the script? I have checked where I am aware and I do not see the possibility of doing this as it is currently configured. Thank you
Need to exclude spaces, dashes and appostrophes.
Hi there, I've created a Delete User feature in the Web Interface Configurator. I am trying to restrict object selection via a User Criteria. Need to exclude Service ... won't appear when selecting target user for the 'Delete User' feature. Thanks, David
This would seem like an easy setting since right now, it's causing so much logs because on the main screen, I have a few reports that are custom made and everytime a user ... . Below is a screenshot example of hoe it constantly can fill up the log. Thank You!
When a new user account is created by copying an existing one, is it possible to prevent the new account from becoming a member of security groups in a specific OU (when the ... same way as the account being added to the group, which I need for audit purposes.