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I have a business rule that creates new groups and shared folders that has failed at least twice over the past weeks.
Screenshot attached from the GUI.

Can you point me to a readable log file that would have dates/times etc so I can troubleshoot more effectively please?


by (840 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Hello John,

You can have a look at Adaxes General Log. This will be, probably, the most detailed log that you can get. For information on how to access it, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?Logging.Vie ... eLogl.html. If you want, our script guys can have a look at the script to identify a possible cause for the issue. You can post it here or send it to our support e-mail (support[at]adaxes.com).


Thanks guys, I've figured out what is happening.
The field that I use for the manager of the AD group has an ADD button below the browse button and the user is adding 2 managers for the group which it can't handle.

I've looked in the Web configuration but can't seem to remove that button. Is there a way?


Hello John,

This means that you are using a multivalued property to specify the group manager. Currently, there is no way to remove the button, however you can workaround the issue using one of the following 2 methods:

  • You can modify your script to always assign the 1st entry as the group manager, and ignore all the other entries specified by users. In this case, you'll need to slightly modify your script. If necessary, you can also add a small notification to users saying that the rest of the entries will be ignored.
  • You can create a Business Rule triggered before creating the groups that will check how many values are specified. If there is more than 1 entry, the Business Rule will cancel the operation.

If you need, we can help you implementing any of these options.

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