I've got a scheduled agent that is attempting to export data for updated employees. When an employee record is updated, we're setting the value of the LDAP custom attribute adm-CustomAttributeBoolean1 to true. A nightly scheduled task will search the domain for all users that have that attribute set to true. See the code snippet that shows the filter I'm using. I definitely have one record where the attribute is true, but the search doesn't return any rows. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
# Get AdsPath of target object
$targetObject = $Context.BindToObjectByDN("%distinguishedName%")
$targetObjectPath = $targetObject.ADsPath
$Context.LogMessage("Domain being searched is: " + $targetObjectPath, "Information")
# Search all users in the target OU
$userSearcher = New-Object "Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.Search.DirectorySearcher" $NULL, $False
$userSearcher.SearchParameters.BaseObjectPath = $targetObjectPath
$userSearcher.SearchParameters.PageSize = 1000
$userSearcher.SearchParameters.SearchScope = "ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE"
# Filter for User objects that are not disabled and employeeID doesn't contain zeros or 'NMU' or employeeID is not blank
$userSearcher.SearchParameters.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)(adm-CustomAttributeBoolean1=true))"
#$userSearcher.SearchParameters.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)(adm-CustomAttributeBoolean1=$True)(!(employeeID=000000))(!(employeeID=NMU))(employeeID=*))"
$properties = $eachFieldIn , "distinguishedName"
$sortOption = New-Object "Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.AdmSortOption"
$sortOption.PropertyName = $sortBy
$sortOption.Direction = $sortDirection
$userSearcher.Sort = $sortOption
$userResult = $userSearcher.ExecuteSearch()
$sortedUsers = $userResult.FetchAll()
$totalUserCount = $sortedUsers.Count
# If no records returned, exit script
if ($totalUserCount -eq 0)
$Context.LogMessage("No updates found to export. Processing terminated.", "Information")
# Release resources used by the search