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I'm looking for installation/configuration manuals to determine the installation requirements (prerequisites) for Adaxes. I'd like to install this on two vmware virtual servers running Windows Server 2019. What are the recommendations for RAM, disk size, disk configuration, SQL support for logging, .NET versions, Java, etc.? Maybe I asked the wrong question but saw no tutorial on installation, and the downlowad was an .msi file, rather than a .zip with manuals and readme files. I don't want to run the .msi until I've already got my infrastructure set up and ready for the install so I don't waste any of the trial time.

by (110 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Hello Bruce,

For information about hardware and software requirements, have a look at section Prerequisites of the Adaxes installation guide: https://www.adaxes.com/help/InstallationGuide/#prerequisites.

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