0 votes

tryng to import groups from csv file. i can get name and mener of but nothing seems to woek for scope and category ( global or local and security. i have tried geoup-type, groupType, Group Type, etc. please advise

by (480 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)

Hello Derek,

Using groupType (LDAP name of the property) as column header for import should work just fine. For example, to create a Global Security group the column value should be -2147483646. For a list of possible values, you can check the following article on Microsoft forums: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/how-can-i-tell-whether-a-group-is-a-security-group-or-a-distribution-group.

If you face issues creating groups via import, please, describe all the steps you take and send us (support@adaxes.com) the file used for import.

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