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hello -

I'm trying to get info via reports but unable to have the passwordExpires column populate some info. I want to know when users password will expire (expiration date and if it can expire).
I tried passwordExpires, passwordExpiresDaysLeft, and passwordExpires property name but to no avail. Can you please assist?


by (1.7k points)


The thing is that these are calculated properties generated on the fly, and they won't be displayed in the built-in reports available in the Web Interface. You have 2 options how you can workaround this:

  1. You can generate a report you need with the help of a script.
  2. You can create a Scheduled Task that will bu run, say, once or twice a day and 'stamp' all users with the number of days left until their password expires. The number of days left will be stored in a certain property of the users' accounts. Then, you can add the property to the Web Interface to show when a user's password expires.

Which one suits your needs better?

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