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I am trying to create a business rule to send an email to the manager of the group when a member is added or removed from a rule-based group. I have created the business rule and it works for other groups but not for a rule-based group. Can this be done?

by (2.3k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Hello Mark,

The business rules configured to trigger Before/After adding/removing a member from a group do not trigger on membership update of rule-based groups. The behavior is by design.

As a workaround, to send emails on rule-based group membership updates, you can use one of the scripts from the following article in our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/changes-in-group-membership-including-changes-made-by-3rd-party-tools-s289.htm.


Since this is using a multi-valued attribute, it will be limited to 1500 values correct? We will have groups with more members than that.

There may already be a feature request on this but we should be able to use business rules against rule-based groups even if the available actions are limited. Thanks for the quick answer as always!


Hello Mark,

Since this is using a multi-valued attribute, it will be limited to 1500 values correct? We will have groups with more members than that.

Unfortunately, custom multi-valued attributes are limited to about 1300 values and the number is shared between all the multi-valued attributes of an object. For example, if a custom multi-valued attribute contains 1000 values, the rest of multi-valued attributes can contain up to 300 values in total. Thus, the script will not work for the groups whose members number exceeds the limit.

There may already be a feature request on this but we should be able to use business rules against rule-based groups even if the available actions are limited.

Thank you for the suggestion. We have forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

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