0 votes


since the update in 2011.3, I can not connect to the web portal with a user account from another domain.

below the error after connecting:

by (360 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


If you restored the configuration of your Adaxes service from a backup, please make sure you entered logon information for each of the managed domains. By default, Adaxes doesn't include credentials to backup files.

To enter credentials for a managed AD domain:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. Right-click an AD domain in the Console Tree.
  3. Click Provide Logon Information in the context menu.

I exported the password in the backup.
I just put the password in the domain and it still does not work.

  1. Try restarting the Adaxes service
  2. If the problem persists, please have a look at the Adaxes Event Log. Are there any errors related to publishing Adaxes service via the Service Connection Point?

attach the errors in the event log every time I log


Please do the following:

  • Clear the Adaxes Event Log
  • Restart the Adaxes service
  • Post here all the errors from the Event Log (if any).

event logs after restart service adaxes




Sorry for the delay. Our QA team have been trying to reproduce the issue in our environment. And they managed to do this.

We have never come across such an issue before. The problem is in the number of AD domains managed by your Adaxes service (I believe you have ~20).
To fix the problem right now, you'll have to unregister a couple of AD domains and restart the service.

A fix for the issue will be available in the nearest service pack for Adaxes. If you urgently need a fix, we can create a custom build for you.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


thank you for your answer
Is there a limit to the number of domain?


It may sound strange, but the limit is not to the number of managed domains. The total length of domain names separated by a space must not exceed 230 characters.

For example: domain1.com domain2.com domain3.com domain4.com

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