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It would be great if we could run a report on an OU and get the following information:

  1. Computer Name
  2. Local Accounts
  3. Whether or not the account is an administrator
  4. Whether or not the account is disabled
  5. Maybe local group memebership for the user would be nice too, but this is less important.

Thanks in advance. Your support team is great and appreciated.

by (80 points)


It is possible to generate such a report. However, it will not work for a large amount of computers as each will require a separate connection to be established. Also, please, provide us with a live example of the desired report. The thing is that report columns do not support multiline output meaning that multiple local accounts and their data cannot be placed in a single column.


This is the gist of what I'd love to see, except modified to run on an OU. There's only really 3 OUs I'd ever run this on and the largest is around 50 servers.

PS C:\Windows\system32> Invoke-Command -ComputerName SERVER1 -ScriptBlock{Get-LocalGroupMember -Name 'Administrators'} | Select-Object -Property PSComputerName, Name, PrincipalSource, ObjectClass
PSComputerName  Name                    PrincipalSource ObjectClass
--------------  ----                    --------------- -----------
SERVER1         DOMAIN\Domain Admins    ActiveDirectory Group
SERVER1         DOMAIN\Admin1           ActiveDirectory User
SERVER1         DOMAIN\Admin2           ActiveDirectory User
SERVER1         DOMAIN\Admin3           ActiveDirectory User
SERVER1         SERVER1\Administrator   Local           User

Thank you in advance for considering this.


Sorry for the confusion. In your original post you mentioned that you would like to include all local accounts in the report. However, in your example, only the members of the local Administrators group are included. Please clarify which behaviour you would like to implement.

Also, Adaxes will use the Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts PowerShell module to query local groups and users. Is it guaranteed that this module will be installed on each computer you need to generate the report for, or the module might not be installed on some computers?

Finally, the report can include the local group membership of each local user, but the report columns don't support multi-line or multi-value output. This means that the names of the local groups will have to be listed in a custom column, separated by semicolon or another separator. Please confirm whether this solution meets your needs or not.

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