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Dear support,

Would it be possible to systematically trim input received from users? Our helpdesk often create users with starting/ending white character.

I did already restrict that as much as possible through property pattern (regex must match: ^[^\s].*[^\s]$) but I am pretty sure that such a global feature could benefit many of your customers.

Thank you in advance


by (750 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Hello Pierre,

Currently, we are not planning anything like that, but thanks for your suggestion. Also, you can create Business Rules triggered before creating and editing users that would automatically trim any leading/trailing spaces. The Business Rules will need to run a PowerShell script. For an example of such a Business Rule, have a look at the Validate/Modify User Input Using a Script Tutorial. If you want, we can make you a sample script.

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