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After search a little bit on the forum, I thought I should be able to use jpegPhoto and thumbnailPhoto using Adaxes.

However, I have been unable to load a photo into the jpegPhoto attribute successfully. Any guidance on this?

by (1.2k points)

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by (216k points)
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Currently, it is impossible to load a photo into the jpegPhoto attribute via the Web Interface. In the next major version of Adaxes, we a re going to improve handling of photos in Adaxes, including the possibility to use more attributes for photos than just thumbnailPhoto.

Until the new version is available, you can update the jpegPhoto attribute using a script. For example, you can create a script that will load a photo for a user from a certain file share. Then, you can create a Custom Command that can be used in Adaxes to run the script on a particular user. If you need, we can provide you a script sample.


It would be awesome if auto-cropping for square headshots could be integrated, check out this powershell example: http://www.myskypelab.com/2015/02/photo ... iness.html .

That way, someone could upload whatever size photo (config permitting) and the software would attempt an auto crop and resize.

Trying to get people to crop 1:1 before uploading pictures is near impossible. ;)

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