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We need to store the initials and Employee number for deleted users.
If an employee is hired again and created as AD user, the stored initials must be (offered) reused.
We could just move the deprovisioned account to a specific OU, but there may be a license and cost issue by doing that.

In our current IDM system, we store there information in the IDM systems internal database.
Is it possible to store (and recall) these user informations somewhere in Adaxes' database and then delete the AD account ?

- Thanks in advance.

by (2.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Actually, when a user leaves your company, there is a general recommendation not to delete the user account, but deprovision it. Usually, the deprovision process includes disabling user accounts. Since Adaxes license is based on the number of enabled and not expired user accounts, usually, deprovisioned users are not included in the license costs. Adaxes has a built-in Custom Command for deprovisioning users called Deprovsion. For more information on this command, see Configure User Deprovisioning.

If, for some reasons, you cannot deprovision users and need to delete them, what data do you need to preserve exactly? Only Full Name, Employee ID and Username or anything else?

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