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We are trying to use Adaxes to manage a MS 365 tenant instead of Azure AD Connect.

Our issue with Azure AD Connect is that it can be installed only on one sync agent. Which is bad for resilience.

We integrated MS 365 with Adaxes and it works OK when we create users. But we cannot succeed to make a Group sync even if reported as in the MS 365 scope in our config.

Is Adaxes supposed to support group sync?

Thanks a lot

by (240 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Out of the box there is no such feature in Adaxes. However, you can try using scripts. For example, to synchronize group membership, you can use the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/add-user-to-office-365-distribution-groups-based-on-business-unit-membership-s254.htm.


OK, that's a bummer. That's really an improvment needed here

In the mean time and as a workaround, I would like to force the Azure AD Directory Sync with the PowerShell command line. But the Azure AD Connect is installed only on one server (with Adaxes).

How can I configure an action to be run via Adaxes but only from one specific Adaxes server? (and fail if that server is not reachable)



That's really an improvment needed here

Thank you for the suggestion. We have forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

How can I configure an action to be run via Adaxes but only from one specific Adaxes server?

Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly you need to achieve. Running AAD Connect is not related to Adaxes itself, however it is possible to use a script to initiate the synchronization. Please, describe the desired behavior in all the possible details with live examples.

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