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When I create a new user in the Adaxes Web GUI, one of the actions in my "new user" business rule, is to Activate an Office 365 account for the user.
However, when I check in the user portal in Office 365, the new user has actually been created in the cloud as well (as an Azure AD user).
We are using Dirsync, and I would like the synchronized userto be activated with the given license.
I am aware that the dirsync process only runs every 2-3 hours. Do I need to fire off a custom script that creates the user, initiates a dirsync, then enables the given license on the user, or have I misunderstood/overcomplicated something? :)


by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Hello Erlend,

You don't have to configure anything additionally. When a new user is created in your AD via Adaxes, your Business Rule will automatically create an account for the user in Office 365 assigning the appropriate licenses. Upon the next DirSync pass, DirSync will identify that the user already has an Office 365 account, will 'bind' the AD account to the Office 365 account and will perform the rest of the tasks, such as synchronizing the properties that are not populated by Adaxes (for example, Department, Office) etc.

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