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The section is not defined in the available options in Adaxes and it is in the AD as well. Eg; I need to add a section called ' Security Access' and have it include a drop down list just to select from options like User Directory, Internet access, Track-It account , SAP access etc.

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)

Hello Aishwarya,

You will need to take the following steps:

  1. Make an input field for a specific property a drop-down list: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_SimplifyingDataEntry_MakeInputFieldDropDownList.htm. For example, you can use one of Adaxes custom attributes (e.g. CustomAttributeText1).
  2. Add the property to the required Web interface forms: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInterfaceCustomization_CustomizeFormsForUserCreationAndEditing.htm.
  3. If required, you can add a dedicated section for the property. image.png

If this is not what you need, please, describe the desired behavior in all the possible details with live examples. Screenshots will be very helpful. You can post them here or email at support@adaxes.com.

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