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I've written the script below which reads the contents of a file from the network and write this to a users "adm-CustomAttributeText1" field.
The code works as expected up to the point where I use the SetInfo when nothing is actually written to the users object.

#Read the message from the text file
$File = "path to file.txt"
[string]$Tip = Get-Content $File

#Check the message is short enough, truncate and warn the user if it isn't. Set the message it if is.
if ($Tip.Length -gt 175) {

    $Temp = "You can only use 175 characters for this message. Your message has been truncated as follows, please remove this line, edit and save your message again.`r`n" + $Tip.SubString(0, 175)
    Set-Content -Path $File -Value $Temp
} Else {


I know that the Put is working, because of I add the following line to the script after the put, I get the value back:

Set-Content -Path "Path to another file.txt" -Value $Context.TargetObject.Get("%adm-CustomAttributeText1%") 

If I use brackets after the SetInfo (as per the examples) then I just get a message 'Exception calling "SetInfo" with "0" argument(s).'
If I try putting the attribute name (or anything else) in the brackets then I get an error that there is no overload for a single argument.
Without the brackets the script seems to be happy and runs, but the value is not written to the attribute.

Any help would be greately appreciated.


by (2.0k points)

I should have specified, this is running inside an Adaxes Custom Command.
The script is running as a domain admin account.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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The thing is that SetInfo is a method, not a property. According to PowerShell syntax, when calling a method, you need to use parenthesis.

Also, as the 1st parameter of the Put method, you need to pass the name of a property whose value you want to set, however %adm-CustomAttributeText1% will return you the value of the adm-CustomAttributeText1 attribute. To pass the attribute name, remove the percent characters ('%').

Somthing like this should resolve your issue:

<i class="text-italic">...
    $Context.TargetObject.Put("<strong class="text-bold"><span class="color" style="color: #008000;">adm-CustomAttributeText1</span></strong>", $Tip)
    $Context.TargetObject.SetInfo<strong class="text-bold"><span class="color" style="color: #008000;">()</span></strong>


That's worked, thanks very much.


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