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When trying to add multiple groups to a user after searching in the group list we are seeing that selecting one group adds that one then the complete list of groups shows again.

How do select all groups from the search results without the list refreshing not just the first group selected?

by (320 points)


Could you, please, provide all the steps you take to add a user to groups with screenshots? You can post the screenshots here or send them to us (support@adaxes.com).

1 Answer

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by (285k points)


Thank you for the details you sent. According to the screenshots, the situation is as follows:

  1. You are using the Add to group action.
  2. On the group selection step, you enter a filter for search and matching groups are displayed.
  3. When you select a group, the filter is gone and you need to enter it again to select another group.

This behavior is by design and unfortunately, there is currently no work around for it. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.


Hi It would be a great feature add to have a checkbox next to the group name to ensure the filter remains.

Is there a possibility to add a ctrl+click function?



Hello Jimmy,

Thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.


Hi, I hope this will be implemented ASAP.

We often add 4-5 groups at the same time, that all have the same prefix. Having to manually write in the 10+ character group prefix for every one of the 4-5 groups we add is quite tedious and annoys our users a lot.

Since copy-pasting the prefix into the filter doesn't work as that turns it into an object instead of searching for the string, there really needs to be some priority on getting a solution for this.

Personally I would suggest implementing a simple shift-click operation for this, if you hold shift and click a group, it adds it to the selected groups without clearing the filter.



We totally understand your point, but as of now, there is no information on the feature. However, in the latest version of Adaxes, you can use the below approach. It works for the first selection as well as consecutive.

  1. Paste the required text into the search field (it turns into an invalid object right away).
  2. Click the invalid object. image.png
  3. Select the required group from the extra search. image.png

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